Sunday, September 13

To the kids of the world

I Promise each Child a Star!

(To the kids of the world)

I hide my dreams in the forest
On Paper cut of trees in the heart
Many bandits
Thieves of dreams
Those who play gods
are Parasites
Pinching the food of the birds
My Revolution is a bridge
To cross to the truth
The truth is a human heart
Otherwise none sense chat
On both right wing and left
The mask time is over
* And the 1984 big brother
Is now digital in order
Watch my poems
watch the sunlight
Watch the almond tree
Watch my sweat
On my forehead and fingers
Watch my dreams
You will reap regret
I will sit in the evenings
Under the Almond Tree
Waiting the moon
To count the stars
To fulfill my promise
To give every child a star

• A hint to George Orwell Book .1984.
(From sweat in heart collection)

Wednesday, July 16

Muy Amigo

Jorge Hank

Tuesday, July 16


Friday, January 30

You Are Who You Are

Thursday, March 13

About Statistics

Mexico and Statistics

I have long been suspicious of numbers and their use to adjust reality to a desired view. When statistics are taken, at what point do they draw the line that this one makes it in the first column and this one does not? As in child care or unemployment. Mexico has some very shocking and disturbing numbers posted against it. But for the most part, they do not seem to be the normal at all. So one has to question who did the counting and how and why. Because of the natural migration of people to where the wage is higher in what was historically very recently their own land, and the statistics claiming how many have no work, it makes Mexico look like a land of total poverty and hardship. This is not so though. But unfortunately it is the information most outsiders have, and from this they form their opinions.

Who gets counted as unemployed in Mexico. The migrants with jobs across the border? They show no employment record here. And what about the vast amount of people who are self employed? Unlike America, where most have to work for a boss and be counted for taxes, many Mexicans never enter that type of system. It takes little money to live on here and the need to hold down a full time job does not appeal or apply to many. This is a family oriented nation, and not all need to work at a formal job in order to support the household, but they still are useful in many other ways. All these are counted and added up against Mexico’s record.

And of course, with statistics there are some truths in them to be found if they are not taken as the whole answer. Mexico City is the largest city in the world. And with any large city, it has terrible poverty, and all that goes along with living in an unnatural situation. And in southern Mexico people are in a transition from traditional times to modern times and frequently lost somewhere in between. But this is just certain groups of people in certain areas. What statistics do, in their full final sweep of one report covers all, is make Mexico look like it is this way everywhere. That each town has its slums and poverty and unemployed, without exception. That this is Mexico itself.

But this is not so at all. Mexico for the most part is full of towns and villages that exist very well and should be a model of what poorer people can make of their life and surroundings. There is no hunger, no rampant disease, no beggars or abandoned children. It is a natural society, and all fit in. Family oriented and taking care of itself. If only the world could see this much larger side of Mexico, instead of the one painted by statistics. And of course, there is the whole world of the well to do and well educated here, that is rarely even known about by the average person elsewhere.

Like many things America does to harm those countries it wants to dominate and oppress, statistics are used as a subtle weapon to shape the image of a country in the eyes of the world. Say Mexico, and one is suppose to think of poverty and corruption. When this is not what it is, only in limited areas, as in any country. It is the Americanization of the world that wants everyone working a full time job provided by a rich person, so all can be accounted for and benefited from by advancing those at the top. People not buckled down to this system are useless to it and only provide a living for themselves. No upwards flow of money. Just hand to mouth. They are not liked at all.

And with this image, so well publicized and pushed by America, its story is told by many who come here, already steeped in the false impressions created. They come to report on the dumps and orphanages, the big city horrors, crime and unemployment. Some not even realizing they bought into a distortion and are perpetuating it by repeating it. The lie being, that is not all of Mexico only a part. But this is the popular thing to do, so much of what Mexico really is, is lost to the world. Its strengths, its special people, its way of survival with dignity and happiness. The living close to nature, not over consuming, using what is readily available, keeping a balance that could save our earth if the greedy would do likewise.

How does one fight the image statistics leave in their trail? They are known to be the final proof in showing how it really is. But it is not really that way as a whole, so how does one bring back the reality of the rest of Mexico for the world to see it by? It is what Americans call a smear campaign, and people willingly or unknowingly promote this. Even some of the best people do, not realizing it.

Thursday, February 7

Way too Close

Wednesday, August 8

Unwise Man

When it is said that America needs to be stopped in what it does in order to save the world, one thinks of their wars and invasions and underminings. And as evil and threatening as these things are, there is still another and entirely different type of threat coming from them. It is the direction their society and culture are taking that is an all consuming danger to mankind also.

The name homo sapiens, whose Latin meaning, is wise or knowing man, could well be changed to homo americanus, or some such thing. Unwise man, unknowing man, man who no longer needs to think, his needs and security taken care of, his wants tended to, his mind filled with what makes him think he knows all he needs to. And the worst of this, is he is fed on trash and lies and that is what he produces in turn.

Americans have a sick society that taints all it comes in contact with. Their belief that bigger better and more are the goals to reach in life rape the planet of its resources. People so mindless that they brag of their country and shout their love for it while killing and destroying to get what it takes to support them in the style they desire. It takes a twisted mind to feel pride while you are committing horrible deeds.

Much of American society is constructed to make people accept atrocity and horror, perversion and corruption. A daily part of life, one way or another. Very little shock or awe or shame left over anything. The warning signs for wrong have been long lost. Their entertainment is at extremes, pushed to the max to stretch their senses to where danger just seems like cheap thrills and a way to kill some time. Many just sit at home and can watch extreme sports or brutal movies on tv, or real war and killing on their limited to their view, news outlets.

Now even their children are showing the signs of their nations lifestyle and mentality. It is the breakdown of the family too. Each taught to seek his own selfish needs, too consumed with his own image and schedule to build a real home to venture out into life from and learn. A society that cares far more about its animals than it does its people, which is very telling. It should be both. Americans are taught to dislike, or even fear their poor, and envy and imitate their rich. A truly deluded populace, just cooperating tools of their government, playing out the parts handed to them thinking its called freedom because they are content with it.

These people are a failure of mankind to develop into something superior, something beyond that which destroys its own planet and kind. They have veered off into a direction that will destroy all eventually. Willfully ignorant, driven by greed, uncaring and heartless. It is the sum total of Americanization that needs to be resisted and fought against if the world is to be let go on in a positive and compatible way, making its own choices and growing in its own ways. How unfortunate it is that this Americanization has spread world wide, no longer just being a disaster of one nation, but a tendency in many. This route, that is mistakenly called progress, but in actuality plunges us into a darkness we may never recover from. Without respect for each other or the world and nature itself.

Friday, June 22

Fair and Unfair

I watch Mexico tightening up, it is a long way from being like America, but none the less, you can feel and observes certain parts tagging along behind in some sort of imitation that is too close for comfort. It seems a country, in order to work the money flow from the bottom moving to the top must organize all precisely, so that none drifts off. When systems don’t work, it makes it harder for the rich to get richer, for the government to take advantage of the working and poor class. So, calling it modern and progressive these systems are now being made to adhere to. There is some good and some bad about this happening. The government should have more money to spend on its people, for improvement of its country, if hopefully they are honest enough to do that. The bad side is, that it leaves no room to wiggle. By that I mean, it becomes its own trap. Rules and laws should be guidelines not absolutes to be abided by, fair and unfair is what counts. There are too many outside situations. This is where the poor get stung, sometimes life keeps them from being able to conform. So instead of punishing them for it and pushing them further into problems, the laws and rules should sway and accommodate these people.

Here is an example. It is the time of year here what we call The License Plate Police are out in their special marked cars to stop people whose tags are due. Every year this effort gets stronger. They have set up a relatively new system were if you let your license plate expire, you get a fine. But right now still, many even years behind do not get fined yet, only when they pay up and enter the new system.

This week my husband was stopped by these type of police, they suddenly came out of nowhere and were behind him with their small yellow flashing light. The van he was in had not been updated for more than several years, it just got put off somehow, probably not the money and the inspiration to do it at the same time. The policeman filled out a form and had him sign it. He didn’t have his drivers license with him, he had forgotten and left it in another car. And the van is registered in a friends name, so it was a little slower than usual with the confusion. Maybe ten minutes. Both police really admired our dogs and we had to get one out to show it off. They gave him instructions how to find the new DMV office just built and what times the line was the smallest. There was no extra late charges, but there will be next time if we are late again. All shook hands and thank yous and left.

Here in the neighborhoods there are many cars that have very old plates or California plates, or none, which technically are not allowed. But here we call them, Around Town Cars. You don’t go out on the main highway with them, you just stick around close. The local police pay no attention to these. Who really cares, it is not like it is a harmful crime, if you cant afford tags, or sometimes the paperwork makes it almost impossible or to expensive. These people, the poor, need to take children to school, a nearby job, grocery shopping, seeing family, or using the car to make the rounds selling things. Just let things be, and don’t interfere with the process of survival. But, as I said, this is not a money making situation that will flow up to other levels, it just benefits the poor. The rich want to squeeze them for anything they can and make their systems work to their full capacity, not satisfied with what they do get already.

And now, another example, to show the other extreme. America, Oklahoma, a Sunday afternoon. My husband and I were 3 weeks into an experiment to see if we could live on the family farm. A ride to town for an ice cream cone and the scenery. As we drove thru a small town an off duty cop in his family car pulled the truck over. He asked the routine questions and realized we were over the time to have the license plate changed over since we were going to live there. This is illegal and cannot be accepted or tolerated. Where would America be if it let its people break such laws? So, the end result occurred. The sheriff came out in his squad car, the fire chief stopped in his and the city tow truck arrived, and several spectators. The truck hauled off to the impound, my husband to jail and me left along side the road with my dog, 3 water barrels, and a big box of tools. And then ensued the threats to shoot my pit bull right on the spot. Justice was served, but not before I pointed out to the crowd, which was the worse crime, what they did, or what we did. But they did not get the point and all drove off leaving me scared half to death and no idea how to get home or my husband back. Not to mention the price for our sins against their rules.

I so hope the world never becomes one big America.

Wednesday, May 30

La Mordida

World map of the Corruption Perceptions Index, which measures "the degree to which corruption is perceived to exist among public officials and politicians". Blue colors indicate little corruption, red colors indicate much corruption

Now who do you suppose could have made this map??? America of course, in their dishonest way of trying to pretend that they are not corrupt, and more so than many. This is a good example of how Americans become so brainwashed, giving them the proof they want that they are superior, so they do not question any further than that. Look, right there in pretty colors, and they are blue, of course, as they pat each other on their backs for it.
La Mordida, My Opinion
How things work in Mexico is always fascinating. There is a system, which is commonly called La Mordida, the little bite, or the name the Americans give it, corruption, that is much misunderstood by many, since it is not their system. In many ways it is against the larger progress, it stays a small time thing, when done in balance. It keeps a country from getting to much of its power going to the top. And this is why it has come under attack as a method that must be changed. The men on top are not getting their cut, it stops before it gets to them. While in a country like America, everything that comes down, the government gets its share, they loose no opportunity. Everyone and everything is milked.

Here is a good story as an example. Last Sunday morning my husband called a very high official at his home from a phone number that had been given to him for other business reasons quite a while back. He explained to this man that he had an opportunity to import several very large truck loads of equipment and parts for one of our businesses here. He explained that right now money was very short, and asked if he could pass the truck loads with no charge. And in exchange this winter when my husband breeds his dogs, the personal protection type, he will give him a puppy. The answer was, yes, of course, that sounds fine, it is a deal.

Stories like these are common, and looking at them goes from total disapproval, to acceptance that this is the way things are, a good deal. Some want to say this is wrong, it abuses a system where everything should be to the letter of the law and no flexibility. This particular deal leaves the next government official on up and the money trail, ended right there. So this is the objection, the top is not getting fed. But it is true, a government must make its money so that it can serve the people with the necessities of running a country correctly. So if this where to happen every time, the system would starve itself out, and only a few would benefit. But here is where balance comes in. For the most part one follows the rules, but on the exception, one does not. Life is not cut and dried, and neither should be money matters and business. It is always minding those laws that create a monster of it that has no give and take.

The Americans want to call it corruption, because of the word itself, it is negative and implies wrong doing and rot. This word is meant to influence the average mans thinking, it scares him and he knows corruption is wrong, so Mexico and its much freer and looser system is wrong, evilly wrong. But this is a lie, Mordida is a system, just another way to do things. As long as greed does not overcome, then it works, but no system does not suffer when greed is allowed to take over. Like the American government, taking way more of its share, for things like war and invasions, and leaving many of its citizens and businesses near broken from it. To me, this is corruption, the use of public money for bad intent and not to the benefit of mankind or their citizens.

In Mexico, on the everyday level, among the average citizen, this little play of money exchanged for a favor being done keeps a certain balance, and allows room for a fairness, for a chance, that might not otherwise be possible. A little favor, in exchange for a little money or whatever is available. The Americans want a paperwork trail, an accounting of every cent. But here, we are not at that point, and may we never be, that much efficiency leads to a system that no longer takes in the people at the bottom. The Mordida system is far from faultless, and far from being just corruption. It is a stage in development, it is workable, it is acceptable.

One of the problems is that Americans will use this label, corruption, for the local policeman who takes a little extra, or a drug lord who makes his profit illegally, or a politician that absconds with a fortune. So it makes it look all on the same level and like a major crime against humanity and civilization. But in reality, it is just a way to deal with money, make money, and keep things moving along. Each his own judge on how to handle it. After all my many years here, I have not seen where it is a harm, when not abused. The only harm is the image the Americans want to give Mexico because of it, and their false sense of superiority because they say Mexico is run on corruption and they are not.

There are far more problems in this world than the Mordida system, and much worse things to label corruption. Like the American destruction of over 1,000 hospitals in Iraq, this is corrupt, as well as illegal.

Sunday, May 13

Self Servers

I have just been looking into one of the political chat rooms on the web. The sort that people in them call themselves progressive and part of the solution. Needless to say, the room was peopled with Americans, and those who have been Americanized. They talk as if the rest of the world does not really exist, only in relation to their own country. I saw them lightly and humorously talking about cannabis, one saying how she uses it, another says all politicians should get high. Then many added their lols and yeses.
They think no further than their own wants. Who do they think pays the real price for their preference for cannabis, or other choice of illegal substance. Countries are controled, made and ruined by who America gives the illegal drug traffic too, who they declare war against for it. Centuries of traditional crop growers of cannabis, a families or a villages income, is put out of a way to make a living because of American interference. And these Americans who allow their country to make a war on something such as drugs, or cannabis, which is merely a very useful plant, rarely stop to think what this war means, other than their inconvenience or possible imprisonment for it. They demand their rights for what substance they want to enhance their life, they buy illegal to get it, therefore supporting keeping it illegal. For their pleasure, wars are fought, fortunes made and lost, people jailed and killed, and worst of all, the common man, the farmer, risks his freedom or must give up his crop. I wish that every American who uses an illegal substance everytime they used one it would flash before them all the death and ruin and interference this choice causes. If Americans want to use drugs, they should make it legal, so other countries were not trapped by doing something America has claimed illegal. Americans take their crimes against the world so easily, as long as they are getting what they want. It is not until they are hit themselves of the illegality of it, that they question these laws, but only in regards to themselves and just how it would affect their own country. That is always their first thought, how does this affect me, never what impact does this have on the world and the people of it and their freedoms and rights. Americans might not take their cannaibs use seriously, but so many suffer from it, wars are fought over it. While they sit in chat rooms and joke about it, they call it freedom. But at whose expense. Shame on these people who can look no further than themselves.

And that story of making cannabis illegal because it is bad for people is so ridiculous, compared to what America leaves as legal substance. The way to protect society from substance abuse is not to war on other countries, but teach their society how to control its own urges, instead of going to all extremes to satisfy them. Americas drug habits are not the worlds problems, but their own. Either refuse to use illegal subtances that harm the world with their restriction, or get your government to give you the freedom that you should have in a so called free country so the world is not oppressed by you.

Thursday, October 19

No Threat

One can sense the world out there, feel its pulse. It is at a high pitch and harder than ever to block out. I think the idea of peace is past and all we are left with is an unsure future of violence. It is right out there, the world about ready to erupt, one way or another. Even if it is just the collapse of America and the shake up afterwards. Life here in Mexico provides such a different view of it. Living in a country that is in peace provides a good background. Problems like Americas war on drugs and government disputes and frauds is minor when compared to a country that wants to take over the world and makes wars on it to get what it wants. Mexico is no threat, that is how it should be. America is the biggest threat the world has. Not only does it dominate Mexico over drug rules but it threatens to turn it into a nation of consummers dependant on corporations. The reason why Mexico has drug crime is because of the illegality of it, keeping it a major force and income for America. Mexico is still considering making drugs legal because of the sheer absurdity of crimminalizing what is a personal problem. It keeps the law enforcers busy with nonesense when they could be fighting real crime. It causes a whole underworld that dominance is being fought for as America continues to upset balances. It does not seem possible that one naion could be causing so many problems, but the closer you look the more you discover. Like a festering wound. Mexicans live like there is no government, while Americans are their government. Comparing these two countries makes Americans look ridiculous liars when they call Mexico corrupt. Which there is corruption, but nowhere near the scale of America. Its usually money matters, not killing and plunderint at will. I wonder if America will finish itself off fast or if it is going to take a long time, bit by bit Or perhaps an outside force will end it. The balance of America could be titled so fast and throw its over dependant people into chaos. It is almost like a contest, will they do themselves in or will someone else first. I should imagine it is like any dying creature, its weakness is sensed and then it becomes prey. Talking here with people who don´t know America is evil is knowing how far brainwashed they are. Perhaps if they could see themselves, they might come closer to being able to save themselves. But I don´t see either happening.

Monday, October 16

Spoken Plainly



My family was here over the weekend to visit, they live across the border a ways. Amazing the border, just that line and so much changes, the view just takes on a whole other aspect, in so many ways. It was brought up in conversation with them, my family, that Hugo Chavez was undignified and distasteful to talk about Bush the way he did, even if they are against him. I think strong truths are not popular in America, they want them in shades that better match the trimmings of their minds. Everything broken down into something else, fragmented. What else should a pow wow of governements be for if it is not to tell the truth and expose the liars. The whole world would do well to shout America is evil and Bush is the devil. Perfect words and fitting concepts.

Mexico is more plain speaking than America, they do not pad their sentences so and are use to just simply saying what a thing is. I have learned from this to pick the simplest idea. Plain speaking. But this conversation happened over dinner in a good restaurant with good music with a family I love despite their American faults. I realize they are trapped within their culture so they can move smoothly to get what they want and go where they are lead to go. So I could not call them on their smug attitudes that Chavez committed a social sin by resorting to saying what he really thought. All I did say is I thought him a hero of the poor and that all leaders should be as honest in their attitude. But of course this brought a change in conversation back to childhood memories and what else to order next. Oh well, no sense to make war at the dinner table, its bad for indigestion, I let that battle be lost. But thinking back on it, I could tell, that was an adopted attitude, one they have been groomed for. That they could not accept the truth and the message behind what Chavez said and instead look down on him shows their minds have been manipulated to all think the way their government wants them. They cannot accept strong truths. It is easy to look down on actions, the American media told them to have that attitude. Its strange to watch people who have been so easily brainwashed. Why could they not have cheered Chavez for having the bravery and the heart to bring up something so important as the evil of Bush and his country. We need so much more of this.

No wonder I let this go over dinner, because now that I think about it, it makes my head ache that a society could be more concerned with their reaction of dislike for the way the message was delivered, than for the actual truth behind the message itself. Here was a chance to call out yes, yes, this is true, that is what this president is, let the world know it and beware, let our people see what the world thinks of him. Help us stop him. But all Americans want to do is just look down on this and belittle it. Which is defending Bush and all his evil.