Friday, October 14


I saw another view of Mexico last night. For months now my husband has been working on remodeling an office building into a three room skin therapy clinic. His work was recommended to the woman doctor by my husbands business partner, the vet. And since this is a trusting circle of friends she told my husband to spend whatever was necessary to make it look professional and appealing. It just was finished yesterday, in time for last nights grand opening. All in pinks and shades of lavender and creams. Tile and glass bricks. Like something out of a cosmetic ladies dream. Certainly not my reality, where life is simple and unnecessity not a necessity. But still very beautiful, in that way.

A ways into this project more was revealed about the young doctor. We were wrong to think she was from a rich family, as often is the case here, and that they were backing her. She came to this state, Baja California, when she graduated. Her husband and mother worked to put her through school. She made a success here with a clinic in a small hospital. Then they sold the ranch in Guadalajara. And with careful planning it enabled her to rent an office in the most popular area, which is used by well to do and progressive Mexican women. Hussongs Plaza, the place to say you have been to.

My husband admires those who have made their own way, out of the little they started with. So he decided that he would go way beyond the work she asked for. He told me if she was going to make it with clientele like that it would have to be an extra special job. It was like a hobby for him, making each aspect its most. It seems so almost silly, a skin clinic and its perfection, in all that goes on in life that counts so much more in the scheme of things. But then again, it is one persons life and my husband just made hers greatly enhanced. These things make him feel so good. He has admitted, he spent much of his wages from her on materials that complimented the work done, not the on sale ones she wanted.

So here we are again, another job done and still wondering where to get the money to live daily life with and wondering where the next money will come from. It feels real good, its always been this way. And sitting there last night in the plaza patio with more then 50 people, drinking heavy red wine and mango margaritas listening to new age music watching a full skin treatment and body massage on a white lounge chair on the dance floor I realized once again how many sides of Mexico there are. Not just the rough and tumble easy living one I knew for so many years. But this is Mexico too, changed and modern. This is not me though, or my world, it was just a very brief glimpse and a good one. Great people, positive, well dressed, polite and fun loving. The doctoras evening was a total success. Her mother, husband and two sons, standing with her. It is so good to know if one wants to, they can do just as they planned. My admiration to her. And Mexico, for keeping its balance and being a country where life is so good.

1 comment:

furtherleft said...

Another view of Mexico. There are so many. Gringos know just one and a false one at that, colored more by TV, news, and novel generated racism than reality. What they don't see is a large nation of many regions with varying geographies, histories, languages, dialects, and subcultures, just like their own. But then, from their distorted view gained from within, they seem not to know their own nation an peoples either, at least not as well as does the rest of the world.