Friday, February 24

It Could Be

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Everything keeps getting stirred more and more potent. The new ingredients bringing it to a boil that will soon not be able to be contained. Mankind is being driven to another war, more war, continuous war, worse war. As it always has been. Soldiers and workers. Each incident touches off much more now, the reaction much greater. Rubbed sensitive to near any sight. It's the timing now, just insert whatever in at the right place and it explodes.

Why shouldn’t mankind head towards its end? But sad that end can't be from loving use and careful maintenance, like that of a well aged respected elder. Endings are so important, they dictate the process to reach them. This ugly ending the few have planned for the many makes life's process sour and for the wrong reasons. And wounded people respond to what is worst around them. It may be true this planet only holds so much for so long. But we can still respect it. Evil men have always ruled so many. People are weak and sell their freedom for a price that threatens their very existence while thinking that is what it takes to get what they want.

All of us, either from caring or uncaring, heading into this battle of the future that is here now. It touches every one, as this attack takes on so many faces. One can feel it pressing in on them, impending disaster. What will these evil leaders do with their results once they have gone to far?

It can be felt all around one, like a cloak, hanging there heavy. It is happening now. And if you ask what is IT? It is the irretrievable step to the end. To late. The country that claimed it would lead to freedom has sold itself out and the world around it falls in line all to frequently. Everything that is started is always ending, but endings are endless. Why pick this one? It taints our everyday life with the reek of its possibility.

Those who accept America in anyway, no matter their location or birth need to know they are at fault also and part of that guilt. America is the worlds worst danger and its worst evil. If we have any hope of a different ending the world must rid itself of this problem in order to face a better future.

Untied States of America Must End.

Sunday, February 19

Vanquish Them

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“…the true knight-errant, though he may see ten giants, that not only touch the clouds with their heads but pierce them, and that go, each of them, on two tall towers by way of legs, and whose arms are like the masts of mighty ships, and each eye like a great mill-wheel, and glowing brighter than a glass furnace, must not on any account be dismayed by them. On the contrary, he must attack and fall upon them with a gallant bearing and a fearless heart, and, if possible, vanquish and destroy them.”

– Don Quixote (Chapter VI), by Miguel Cervantes Click on video, then go to the third one listed. Reason of the Stonge Age.

Thursday, February 16

The Process

What better word is there for this most recent form of atrocities and crimes against man, but Americanization? I do not give them, the people, credit for advancing to this stage faster than those around them, but know that they have been groomed for it beyond their understanding, by clever men, time and change itself. It has settled there, to breed, this phenomena. What infects America is not unique, each country seems to have its own brand along with whatever dose, or overdose of America it mixes in. All governments contribute to the problem, all societies have those who only care about the self and not the whole. But America is the perfecting ground for this process, the energy that wants to encompass all. It is used and abused by those the world over that have that grip of control that can subdue man to near a machine. You don't have to be American to be in the club. And you don't have to be American to be Americanized. Like many diseases of decay, who knows where they started and where they have spread, but one can easily identify the area of worse concentration that keeps the rest festering. It is plain to see, it is America that is all over everything, all into what it should not, corrupting.
One should beware of America, its people and its government, but most of all, beware the process and recognize it in your own country and your own self, it comes in many forms. This type of mind controlling, freedom destroying technique has been in process since man first wanted to enslave his own.
Give the people what they think they want, tell them it is good and they are good, then get them to back you in anything without it touching them much, mix it with fear of loosing it all and keep their minds dulled down to not complain too strongly, and you have an obedient productive slave to put to the best purpose for the oppressor. The American Way.

Saturday, February 4

Where Are They Headed?


Stuff stuff stuff and more stuff, as my friend sonshine comments. How much do we really need. Excess weighs heavy, it is a load. Each object claiming a piece of the owner. So many sink down out of sight in a bog of possessions. They turn into what they have. Defined by their choice of material things. The more you have, the more you are.
It has been my experience that less feels much better. I know for Americans they want to spend their big wages or their credit on what makes them feel they are almost as good as the rich and heading that way, but to have that as a goal makes present day life ring empty. If you don't believe in the rich, don't imitate them. There is nothing simple about life in America, like all is a drive that is dialed in for consumption at an astonishing rate. Always on the go, looking for what they need next.
Constant state of change searching for what is supposed the next best thing, the ultimate, the state of the art, perfection, the American Way.
Here in Mexico, I live in balance, taking no more than my fair share, living as my neighbors do. Simply and naturally without a lot of fuss. Needs are small here and life is very big without the clutter of more and more. It feels so good to me, so right, that I can survive so well on so little. And it is not just the accomplishment that feels good, like a sacrifice, because it is not. Simple is good, it feels good, it makes the rest of life seem simple and good. I feel no need to get more than what I have right now. Im not going anywhere but here, and I am already there. Life is so very very good here. It is a reward for living right.
It's a sad thing when a country turns people into something that is not acceptable and even those we love we cannot tolerate because of the extent of the damage done by their governments effort to enslave their minds. Love them yes, like you would the sick and wounded, but don't ever let that love condone what they do as bearable, or you are one of them and lost as they.
Although I do fear them beyond help, now. Too late