Monday, April 24


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Now more than ever it is uncomfortable to be an American. You can leave your country for its wrongs and let another adopt you, but you cannot leave your nationality behind. It is shameful to be an American, one feels part of a dirty crime. At least before their nine eleven day one just felt part of a general hoax and the image of the tourist while in other lands. And with attitude and looks be able to manage to say, I am American, yes, but not one of them. With this one could still feel good about themselves and those you came across felt and knew this. You were accepted for who you were. But this America as Evil is to big of a thing to overcome. If your American, your American and your face and voice represent that horror.

I feel very sad that I have lost my middle ground, where I could be not this or that, because it did not really matter. But what does matter is evil. And America is evil. It leads the way. The oppression of mankind for the gain of the few has been a conquest since one man decided himself better than the next. Not until this new century has technology and trail and error made it possible. America was poised just right for this occasion. The American people have been sold out and sacrificed to this cause. They think they sit on top of the world because they have big paychecks and so many many possessions, but they do not realize the emptiness of their lives or their pursuits. And they do not add up the price that is really paid for what they feel is the best life.

I am part of war and greed and oppression, that is my heritage and cannot be undone. America makes me dirty. I am a reminder, a messenger with my blood of these crimes. No matter my actions or my thoughts or who I really am. To be American is to be tainted. How can I tell the world I am sorry with all my being for what my country does. It could have been a leader to better and fairer things with its position, but it did not. I chose differently, but my birth traps me. America the trap. Yes, very sad. So many reasons to dislike America, and some are personal.

Sunday, April 9

Dog Holacaust

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The Killing Fields Of Denver
Genocide Of A Breed
It is part of Americas racist war mongering mentality that makes them turn against even their own pets. America is practicing its nazi beliefs on its animals, singling out certain breeds and killing them off. People are having to leave their homes and towns and move on trying to find places where the authorities will not treat them like crimminals because of their dog choice. This is getting very extreme when the law can snatch your dog up and murder it or snatch you up for having it. In America, if you don't walk a narrow line your going to find trouble, follow the rules or else it won't look like freedom.
Here is an article telling of one city out of manys experience with these Breed Specific Laws.

Friday, April 7

Complaints & Comparisons

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My answer below, to a post I read on a site for Americans living in Mexico. I can't answer there as they do not let differing opinions in.

Americans in their endless pursuit of complaints and comparisons have now come up with the idea that Mexico and America should have the same policies on immigration. In America, when you get your papers you are without limits, you can become a politician or a priest or a failure or both or anything else. In Mexico, if you weren't born here, then you never can have equal papers or rights. Mexico is for the Mexicans. America is for the immigrant, ever since the Indians lost it. That’s just how it is.

So this new rush of Americans to Mexico for good living at their beloved cheap prices is saying things like "how about removing the obnoxious restrictions on gringos buying land near Mexico's coast? It is kindof hard to take seriously all the rhetoric on friendship and partnership amidst such blatant discrimination". Don’t they realize every country must do things differently. If Mexico let everybody in and they could do whatever they wanted there would be no more Mexico. Just another mess like the Untied States of America. There only hope now is these new immigrants do better with their country.
"There isn't much wrong with Mexico that capitalism and cleaner politics can't fix. What Mexico needs is freer markets, less corruption, and the rule of law. What's good for Iraq is also good for Latin America. Two great people movements, going in opposite directions, will lead to a better life for Mexicanos here, and there as well". Another comment by an American living what he calls the high life on an American income in a country where that is a fortune. Will capitalism bring the simple poor mans farm or family business back to him, or will it just continue to kill that very good and balanced way of life? Free markets basically mean open to be taken advantage of. And corruption he says, because there is a pay off system here, mordida. How dare a country that kills cultures and people world wide and destroys their own government and society call others corrupt. A country that spends most of its budget on wars. And how can its citizens after witnessing the useless terrors of Iraq claim Mexico needs the same? What do these Americans know of a better life when they themselves can so easily accept the evil of their country? Family respect and dignity and the love of freedom are still strong here in Mexico and all but faded out of existence in America.