Friday, April 7

Complaints & Comparisons

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My answer below, to a post I read on a site for Americans living in Mexico. I can't answer there as they do not let differing opinions in.

Americans in their endless pursuit of complaints and comparisons have now come up with the idea that Mexico and America should have the same policies on immigration. In America, when you get your papers you are without limits, you can become a politician or a priest or a failure or both or anything else. In Mexico, if you weren't born here, then you never can have equal papers or rights. Mexico is for the Mexicans. America is for the immigrant, ever since the Indians lost it. That’s just how it is.

So this new rush of Americans to Mexico for good living at their beloved cheap prices is saying things like "how about removing the obnoxious restrictions on gringos buying land near Mexico's coast? It is kindof hard to take seriously all the rhetoric on friendship and partnership amidst such blatant discrimination". Don’t they realize every country must do things differently. If Mexico let everybody in and they could do whatever they wanted there would be no more Mexico. Just another mess like the Untied States of America. There only hope now is these new immigrants do better with their country.
"There isn't much wrong with Mexico that capitalism and cleaner politics can't fix. What Mexico needs is freer markets, less corruption, and the rule of law. What's good for Iraq is also good for Latin America. Two great people movements, going in opposite directions, will lead to a better life for Mexicanos here, and there as well". Another comment by an American living what he calls the high life on an American income in a country where that is a fortune. Will capitalism bring the simple poor mans farm or family business back to him, or will it just continue to kill that very good and balanced way of life? Free markets basically mean open to be taken advantage of. And corruption he says, because there is a pay off system here, mordida. How dare a country that kills cultures and people world wide and destroys their own government and society call others corrupt. A country that spends most of its budget on wars. And how can its citizens after witnessing the useless terrors of Iraq claim Mexico needs the same? What do these Americans know of a better life when they themselves can so easily accept the evil of their country? Family respect and dignity and the love of freedom are still strong here in Mexico and all but faded out of existence in America.


jams o donnell said...

In this post you say that it is not possible for someone not born in Mexico to have the equal rights and papers. However, it is perfectly possile to naturalise as a Mexican citizen. With some minor exceptions such as the right to stand for election to public posts, does not naturalisation confer on the individual the same rights and obligations as any Mexican?

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

Naturalization almost gets you all the same rules, just not quite enough to interfere into anything important. Politics, military, police, clergy, chiefs of seaports and airports. You can't do those. Also you can loose your naturalized citizenship if you leave for five years. Your children born in Mexico cannot become president either. And if you make yourself an undesirable alien, you get kicked out. Mexico is designed to protect itself, for a good reason, if you look north.

And most Americans (not me) that I have seen or heard of come to Mexico not for those things but the good life at affordable prices in a country they have more of a feeling of freedom in. And a check from somewhere to live on.