Monday, March 27

It's Good This Way

One needs to have land, a little piece to borrow from the planet, for your lifetime. Otherwise your going to be paying someone for a place to call your own and regularly owing for it. That’s a major loss of freedom. Then the next thing you need is the freedom to do what you want on that piece of land. Build a life on it. This should be anybodies right. The property should be a price that you can pay at one time so that one does not have the imbalance of payments. If your rich this reality does not apply, because then its only a matter of money, but if your poor this is very real and very right and good. An empty piece of land. Like an artists canvas that your going to paint your lifes story on. Bring what you have and make the start. Starts arent that important because they are so far from the end, which holds all the accomplishments. So, cardboard shack, tent, trailer, or even the open air if need be. And before any of that, get the plants in, so they grow with it all. This is the place your life will be.

It's good to be in a house that grows.A constantly emergy structure. Its good to do your own work. And it is very good to make it like you want it. Some people are satisfied with a tiny shelter, leaving them close to nature, their time and energy free for other pursuits. And some prefer to keep on building, adding, accumulating, improving. Whats important for this process to feel free and good is to not buy more than you can pay for. A few sacks of cement, a beam or two. So as you look around you, you know you don’t owe for it and it is all yours. Nice new building materials and lots of professional labor may produce a quick eye pleasing result, but the feeling that you didn’t pay for it yet doesn’t feel good.
Second hand materials are in keeping with the times. We have long ago used up more new than we ever should have. A little at a time. Get a room to get out of the weather and store things in, dig a hole for the wastes, and set up a sheltered spot to cook and wash dishes. Haul in some water and get out the kerosene lanterns. Then, when and if you can, get hooked to the utilities. Thru the years this process produces wonders of creation. If you do your land right, you can use it to make your living from, if you don't have another way. Since you have claimed this piece of earth to be yours for your existence then you should be able to do exactly what you want with it with no one elses say so. Home sweet home.

Posted by Picasa In modern so called progressive societies where almost all is finished before owning or using it and nothing is paid for fully yet and where for many nothing will ever really be theirs but part of their wages, it leaves an emptyness where freedom should have been. A dead end to construct your own life and no way out. An endless existence of no where to belong, to settle and build and have your freedom.
The word poor has to much thrown into it. It could mean you only own one car and a little house or it could mean you do not own a thing. And there is so much inbetween those two situations. Poor without poverty, poor with balance, poor and natural. The poor for the most part live right. Their main problems being to protect themselves from the rich. A favorite quote, if the poor lived like the rich the world would already be used up. These overstuffed houses, mini mansions, with all the goodies on credit, meeting the deadline so it doesn’t get taken. Working your life away so that the biggest presentage of your money goes for rent or payments. Juggling, ducking, dodging, playing games to keep afloat. Always wanting whats next because all it does is make a little bit bigger bill. It makes a state of mind that’s like a rat on a treadmill. No center.

Living right is a great contribution and a worthy life. What more can we do than do our part right. Without abuse or greed, without taking part of what we don't believe in. Maintaining our freedom.

1 comment:

Garth said...

Unfortunately we are conditioned to want more.
By the time we realise this it is too late.
Students are in debt even before their minds have formed - already slaves to the wage.
Children are bombarded with more more more buy buy buy from the moment their mothers sit them in front of the television.
The system works to condition our minds on all levels leaving the rich in moral poverty and the poor without hope.
In the UK (and many other countries)the dream of owning land is just that for many people - a dream. The price of land is beyond the reach of many and for the rest, only attainable with large loans.