Sunday, May 13

Self Servers

I have just been looking into one of the political chat rooms on the web. The sort that people in them call themselves progressive and part of the solution. Needless to say, the room was peopled with Americans, and those who have been Americanized. They talk as if the rest of the world does not really exist, only in relation to their own country. I saw them lightly and humorously talking about cannabis, one saying how she uses it, another says all politicians should get high. Then many added their lols and yeses.
They think no further than their own wants. Who do they think pays the real price for their preference for cannabis, or other choice of illegal substance. Countries are controled, made and ruined by who America gives the illegal drug traffic too, who they declare war against for it. Centuries of traditional crop growers of cannabis, a families or a villages income, is put out of a way to make a living because of American interference. And these Americans who allow their country to make a war on something such as drugs, or cannabis, which is merely a very useful plant, rarely stop to think what this war means, other than their inconvenience or possible imprisonment for it. They demand their rights for what substance they want to enhance their life, they buy illegal to get it, therefore supporting keeping it illegal. For their pleasure, wars are fought, fortunes made and lost, people jailed and killed, and worst of all, the common man, the farmer, risks his freedom or must give up his crop. I wish that every American who uses an illegal substance everytime they used one it would flash before them all the death and ruin and interference this choice causes. If Americans want to use drugs, they should make it legal, so other countries were not trapped by doing something America has claimed illegal. Americans take their crimes against the world so easily, as long as they are getting what they want. It is not until they are hit themselves of the illegality of it, that they question these laws, but only in regards to themselves and just how it would affect their own country. That is always their first thought, how does this affect me, never what impact does this have on the world and the people of it and their freedoms and rights. Americans might not take their cannaibs use seriously, but so many suffer from it, wars are fought over it. While they sit in chat rooms and joke about it, they call it freedom. But at whose expense. Shame on these people who can look no further than themselves.

And that story of making cannabis illegal because it is bad for people is so ridiculous, compared to what America leaves as legal substance. The way to protect society from substance abuse is not to war on other countries, but teach their society how to control its own urges, instead of going to all extremes to satisfy them. Americas drug habits are not the worlds problems, but their own. Either refuse to use illegal subtances that harm the world with their restriction, or get your government to give you the freedom that you should have in a so called free country so the world is not oppressed by you.


Garth said...

Good to see you posting again Zatikia. Great post as usual.

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

Thank you for noticing, Pisces.

littlebitofsonshine said...

i wish we had real freedoms and mean controls stuff would stop HUGS y amiga

Agnes said...

Good to see you back, Yaba.

Anonymous said...

Where is your sense of humor?

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

Anonymous,It must still be intact, because your comment struck me funny. Humor, a necessary ingredient for living with what is wrong. But lets don't let it be a place we live in, least it cloud our vision.

Yodood said...

Wonderful to see you posting again.

Like the solution to virtually all problems caused by rampant greed throughout the world — home grown.

Frank Partisan said...

It makes me happy to have discovered you're posting.

AB said...

The key to america's ablities lies in it's enormous power and wealth, with which it can help make many in the rest of the world subservient to it's interests. It is those local scoundrels, the people of different nationalities who fight for the United States who ought to be taken care of first. I am confident that problems like this one and many other would not have been possible without local help. So much as we hate america, I must admit, with some chagrin, that there are "americans" in the rest of the world also.