Thursday, October 19

No Threat

One can sense the world out there, feel its pulse. It is at a high pitch and harder than ever to block out. I think the idea of peace is past and all we are left with is an unsure future of violence. It is right out there, the world about ready to erupt, one way or another. Even if it is just the collapse of America and the shake up afterwards. Life here in Mexico provides such a different view of it. Living in a country that is in peace provides a good background. Problems like Americas war on drugs and government disputes and frauds is minor when compared to a country that wants to take over the world and makes wars on it to get what it wants. Mexico is no threat, that is how it should be. America is the biggest threat the world has. Not only does it dominate Mexico over drug rules but it threatens to turn it into a nation of consummers dependant on corporations. The reason why Mexico has drug crime is because of the illegality of it, keeping it a major force and income for America. Mexico is still considering making drugs legal because of the sheer absurdity of crimminalizing what is a personal problem. It keeps the law enforcers busy with nonesense when they could be fighting real crime. It causes a whole underworld that dominance is being fought for as America continues to upset balances. It does not seem possible that one naion could be causing so many problems, but the closer you look the more you discover. Like a festering wound. Mexicans live like there is no government, while Americans are their government. Comparing these two countries makes Americans look ridiculous liars when they call Mexico corrupt. Which there is corruption, but nowhere near the scale of America. Its usually money matters, not killing and plunderint at will. I wonder if America will finish itself off fast or if it is going to take a long time, bit by bit Or perhaps an outside force will end it. The balance of America could be titled so fast and throw its over dependant people into chaos. It is almost like a contest, will they do themselves in or will someone else first. I should imagine it is like any dying creature, its weakness is sensed and then it becomes prey. Talking here with people who don´t know America is evil is knowing how far brainwashed they are. Perhaps if they could see themselves, they might come closer to being able to save themselves. But I don´t see either happening.


Yodood said...

"The reason why Mexico has drug crime is because of the illegality of it, keeping it a major force and income for America. Mexico is still considering making drugs legal because of the sheer absurdity of crimminalizing what is a personal problem."

It is a sad pass that our laws are so arbitrarily invasive that something so obvious needs to be said. The US has made drug laws for the world to enforce on such an appeal of invasivness (all governments like to keep tabs on the people), some Spain, Canada, aren't kissing that butt any more. Come to think of it, I really don't see anyone but Hugo Chavez coming out and giving the diablo his due for his school yard bully act. Where are all these better governments' public declaration of protest? They seem more like most US citizens and the entire US Legistive branch — afraid of being eaten sooner than last for daring to buck the most daring arrogance in my experience.
I think I feel a post coming on, thanks for the beautifully expressed kick start, I hope my tangent deserves it.

Atanu Bandyopadhyay said...

I disagree with Zatikia's statement that you pasted in italics, Greg. As I disagree with your first statement of laws being invasive, though I agree they should not be arbitrarily so.

There are several things we do that are entirely personal. Some of them are done by only a few people, in which case we can warn them without resorting to laws. For example, swimming out in shark infested seas; surely it would be funny to pass laws holding people of being guilty to do so. But drugs and even alchohol are another matter altogether. Given our premonition (fear) that such things are widely sought after and the dangers they pose not only to our healths but ultimately to the very well being of the society, I do not mind them being either controlled or banned altogether, depending upon the degree of the effect the substance has. True, the very act of banning it will cause some to go for it even more, for the very kick of doing something not allowed, as an Iranian young woman told me once as to why she loved drinking. But nevertheless, there will be far less use of it and we can all live better off.

Let me add that for as long we live in a society, nothing is ever personal if you think carefully. You can connect just about everything you do or like to improvement or lack of it towards those around you. It is the duty of the government to ensure that the former is encouraged and the latter minimised. If the laws against drugs are causing more harm than good, of course those laws should be taken off. But not because of reasons like an invasion of our private interests.

clash said...

Well written. American policies are indeed invasive,Not only for Mexico but for all the world. Some people doesnt seem to be realising it.

Frank Partisan said...

I'm using that picture as a computer wallpaper.

Today 10/29/06, you sure have a visible government, as teachers in Oaxacha, are being killed and dispersed.

? said...

Have missed reading your blog. This is particularly interesting. The issue of crimminalising is certainly ionic.

PS: Here one more for you. Have you heard of this new

littlebitofsonshine said...

off topic I miss you and im praying for your speady recovery my friend my spirit sister know my prayers are with you .

Yodood said...

Be well, dear Zatikia. You are sorely missed here, but no so much as by your dogs, I'm sure.

Atanu Bandyopadhyay said...

What has happened to Miss Zatikia? I have not been seeing anything of her in here of late.

Frank Partisan said...

Seasons Greetings

Get well soon

Anonymous said...

wb you rock lady
if only there is a dozen of you :)