Wednesday, October 4

Just Thinking

Today is one of those days I don´t care to think about America. I like to just feel being here, in Mexico, simple and easy. It feels like the load is light. I am so glad that the government is not so oppressive and so dangerous to its own and others that it weighs on me daily. I would hate to be part of what is happening across the border. Which reminds me, the wall. America is building a 700 mile wall along the border to keep the workers out and its going to cost billions. It is so backwards. Lots of contracts were handed out over it, but of course, the whole border scheme is a money maker. There, now I have thought of America again, when I did not want to. How quick life can slip into reminders of it. Like yesterday, finaly I find out what this huge buidling is that is being built, about the biggest I think I have seen here. It is a Walmart. It was like staring the enemy in the face when I realized, made my stomach turn. The thought of it kind of crept along with me all day, another battle lost. But today the weather is such, hot sun, clouds, cool breezes and quick little wind brusts, that it just sort of blocks out what does not fit. I have been out preparing soil in pots to make new spring trees for my property. I plan on staying here forever so I will get to see them grow up, such a good feeling, looking at a tree you planted. Life can be so simple and so good, just into the right flow, everything fitting, working all towards the way you want it. But one is lucky if they have control over their own lives, it does not take much to give it up to a source, like government brainwashing. You could just walk into a store, not knowing all its vile and viscious history, look around and decide that there are so many things you want that you never had before. So easy to hook people into the more more more system. I try not to think of America on such a nice day but when I come to my blog and confronting the outside, I know my time here is best spent with the forever message, Beware America. One can really not say that enough, not even when they are in their own little almost paradise and could so easily leave it to the rest of the world. Well, I think I will wander off and go back to not thinking about the Evil America and have a good rest of the day.


Atanu Bandyopadhyay said...

Why not think of America Yab? It is unwise to forget the evil, or know less about it than you should. We all understand and agree, at least those who are not white amongst us, that america contributes greatly to world misery and therefore ought to perish. A thorough knowledge of her is imperative to make plans, and put them into action; plans violent or not. I do think of america, with plenty of hatred and vile. She has earned that from me.

Yodood said...

Dear Zatikia,
We must have been inspired by the same muse for our posts today, we were definitely distracted by the same vampires and chided by the same absolutists, thanks for a great post about alternatives.

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

Atanu, I dislike your habit of calling America her, it is male oriented and should not be put in the feminine. To think of America all the time would be to dwell in misery. One must go ahead and have the best possible life they can and not just focus it down to one thing. There is a time to examine that nation and learn, but there is the rest of the world and the rest of life. Yes, America ought to perish, so we could waste no more thoughts on it, but we cannot let it consume us in the meantime. America deserves to be thought of with hatred, that is the emotion that is appropriate.

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

It was a good day for nature, one of the most beautiful sunsets ever and the moon covered in pink clouds. Enough to make you forget anything but how beautiful it can be. Nice it inspired us both. And then the other side, that seemed to hit too. I enjoyed your post.