Friday, July 21

How Would You Know?


I don’t get much communications with Americans, and when I do they interest me as a slice of what that society is made up of. Today two have been brought to my attention. The first, Patrick Henry, a rather clever writing young man, which he shows off to his best effort here on his site, psychic head. I gave a brief answer on his comment section but felt more was due his efforts. Plus he has been good enough to comment on my blog, the July 6th post, The Consumers. He brought up several good questions, ones quite commonly asked. I will post that here in its entirety because I felt it an important exchange. Good things to learn.
Patrick Henry: You point out things which may or may not be true, depending on your point of view. What do you suggest to fix the 'problem'? If America is so bad, why do the citizens continually send money and aid in the form of food, clothing, medicines, time, etc. to less-fortunate countries? Every one of your posts and the Far-Left Queue talk about how bad America (the U.S.A.) is and unfair to the rest of the world. From reading your posts, it appears there are more personal issues with you than you admit to your readers and possibly yourself. It is easier to blame and denigrate than offer solutions.
My Reply: Hola PH, good questions. I don't think there is an ¨Answer¨ to the¨fix the problem" question, as you suggest. To many problems, to many answers. For myself, my part, I live simply, by choice. You ask about Americas gifts to the needy. In order for America to pull off its atrocities it must have a front. Not just for the world, but for its own gullible people to swallow. Give some hand outs one place and destroy another, or do it at the same time and place. It's the method. Take what you want.
My blog is about Evil America, so of course that is what I write about. I do it for people like you who are interested in another view, one not available to them. By the way, Further Left is the name of my other blog, The Far Queue, a very talented writer about all life. But I do like the name Far-Left Queue. I am sure there are personal issues, admitted or not, but that’s not important here or what I am here for. Its not a confessional diary, just a simple blog on bad America.
All I can do is set an example by my life of how it should be and pass on my truths and views for others to draw their conclusions from. Which you seemed to have done. Don't forget to keep an open mind, there is always more to be learned than what you think you know at the moment.
And then the second comment directed at me from the ever attempting humorous Elastic Waistband Lady: Papi has his own theory about La Zatikia, who was born in America, by the way. He speculates that her Mama was knocked up by some sleazy white guy, likely during a one night stand, and she holds all white men accountable for her abandonment and neglect as a child. Of course, Papi's opinion is purer than yours or mine Patrick, because of his brown skin and Spanish accent.
This one represents well one of the deep problems corrupting America. The descent of their societies, and in particular women, their minds into their gutter. I have found many American women to equate equality with the ability to talk foully. It is a sad approach. A shame they cannot see how bad they make themselves look with this kind of talk. It degrades women worldwide. But that is the trouble with America, so much of the small stuff they do harms so much when it is done on such a large scale. No wonder family falls apart there and their children turn violent and brought up to be soldiers for the cause of more more more.
And it seems like maybe Papi´s skin is getting a little whiter and his accent a little less the longer he stays in America, he should not have left his heart behind.
So, that is today's lesson for me on The American Way, if you can't speak the truth, make up a lie. That goes for both my new American followers and their words dedicated to me. Thank you both for proving my opinion.


furtherleft said...

I read the Patrick post to which you refer zatikia. I read several there. They all begged for saying something. They were all so ..... . Well, so..... .

The same comment could have been left on any of them. They were all similarly so .... . I did pick one, that which he devoted to you.

My comment was simply "You are a ... . Oh, never mind. You wouldn't understand."

On reflection, I thought that unfair. There should be a word to conclude the sentence. It would have to be one he would understand, simple, common, and not too complex. Sure enough such a word came through.

The sentence could have read "You are so typical ....".

Should any ask "Typical of what?", you've answered that well with what you've written here zatikia.

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

Mullet, what the world needs now is the feminine side of nature and humanity to take back hold once again and stop this aggression and not caring. I can never understand how some women think this means to become like men and loose their femininity and that this will solve it. We need to be all the more feminine to guide in the right direction.

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

Typical is just the right word, the American mentaliy Pocho. You have it exactly.

littlebitofsonshine said...

Humm now why would a woman want to be a man im so lost to bad men cant be mean anymore to many wanting to be female i guess????

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

Sonshine, it seems women picture men as being freer, so it seems if they imitate them, they to will be freer. Such a mistaken view of freedom. And as to mean, there seems to be plenty of that on both sides in the fight for idenity. Femininity goes beyond being male or female.

Agnes said...

"Femininity goes beyond being male or female." - freedom does.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Eh, for what it's worth, I should have kept my husband's personal opinion off the web. He's seen many like you in Mexico, so fixated on their hatred of others, they can't think straight. Most of them given over to such emotion from their childhood scars. That's what he based his theory on, by the way.

I actually do apologize for allowing myself to give in to poor self control and respond to such an inflammatory thing as Patrick Henry's post. I typed before I thought it through, and I certainly didn't intend to rile anybody up. While I agree with some of his musings, linking you and making this so personal was beyond the realm of decency. Life's too short for all this drama.

We have a lot more in common than you think, as far as discovering the simpler things in life and the joy to be found therein. However, I see America as having extraordinarily generous people, proven over and over by the amount of charitable contributions far outweighing citizens from other countries. Our leadership leaves much to be desired, but such has always been the case. I don't see any reason to let seething hatred of America consume you and cloud over your personality. I do admire the courage of your convictions to pick up and leave, while others stay in the U.S and continue bitching nonstop about how much they hate it.

Oh, and I don't equate myself with men, I just like potty humor and a decent fart joke every once in awhile. Is that so wrong? It doesn't make me evil incarnate, you know. We're all mulit-faceted, and I have my cultured side too, but that's not what I choose to showcase in my writings because it's staid and dull. So, pull my finger.

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

Your apology accepted elasticwaistbandlady, sometimes the internet is a temptation to go to far.

Americans are known for their generosity, as well as other things, it seems to be a by product of their countries image. The shame about it is, it to readily disguises the wrong they do. A confusing issue. And America, being the self claimed leader of the world, should give more and do more than other countries. They have chosen this position. You say leadership in your country leaves much to be desired, but always has. True, but times have changed and your government has been ripped off by a group of elite thugs that are now threatening the earth like the bullies they are. It not only harms its own country and what it was once becomming, but the world. America can no longer be excused because of the good they do, but must be brought to account for the harm they do.

I am sure too there are things we have in common, espeically if we both appreciate what is simple. We just don´t happen to share a sense of humor. Such is life. But it seems to me a very strong type of hatred should be reserved for a nation that willfully does such wrong. Americans are taught to hate the word and concept Nazi, and I see your country as no better, or perhaps worse. I feel good and proud of my hatred for what is wrong, its well intact, as should be and totally in balance with my many other aspects. Hate is what I feel for the evil America does, but hate and America are small parts of my life.

And as to your husbands ideas on my childhood and my similarity to other Americans in Mexico he would do well to rethink it, or just skip it. He does not know and he is wrong, again. Simple fact, I hate evil. And all but the very deluded must admit that at least some of what America does is very very evil. What do you feel for the wrong you know they do? It´s going to take a lot of strong feelings to straighten things out.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Familiarity breeds contempt, and the anonymity of the Internet breeds behaviors we probably would never exhibit face to face.

I place you around the age of my Mother, although, I may be wrong. My more refined Mom detests bathroom humor, but I giggle every time. Maybe the fart joke lovin gene skips a generation?

As for my beloved America, well, we can agree to disagree. The things I dislike and fight against are probably far different from yours. I belong to Concerned Women Of America CWA, and a few Family Council activist groups. We're conservative, pro life, anti-pornography, anti-gay marriage (although I support equal rights with partner benefits), and anti-ILLEGAL immigration. Notice, I said ILLEGAL, because I full understand that this is a country made of immigrants. As far as true evil, my focus is on far worse offenders of human rights like North Korea, China, Iran, etc. There are wicked factions at work in America, but nothing compares to the legendary, "Killing Fields", and Iraq's mass graves, and China's execution of civilians in order to harvest their organs and their killing of millions of babies, and North Korea's insane Kim Jong Il, starving his people to build missiles. Yep, that's where I focus my attentions more intently.

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

Many many Americans are taught to focus their attention on what seems worse, and with that comparison use it to excuse their own atrocities. Caring more for others crimes does not help you right your own. There is little you can do about other peoples countries, but your own is what you need to be paying attention too. Your gays and your smut are personal concerns and worrying about them does absolutely nothing towards stopping your country from the wars and torture and oppression it causes. From what you say, it seems of trifleling concern to you, way down on your list.

You also seem to forget that for decades your country was glad enough to let your workers cross that border with no complaint. And now that your country is falling apart you do an about face and put up a stink about it. That’s the way of America, breaking their own rules anyway they want to and bringing them back when it benefits. But two faced actions catch up those who do them and the tide turns and you can´t stop it. America as you are experiencing it today, is on it´s way out.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

First of all, the family is fundamental building block for everything. Without a strong family, society crumbles. Proven over and over. So, rationally, dealing with keeping families strong, and soul stealing pornography/drugs/away from children, is of the utmost concern. I love the way you think that only your own personal agenda is important though and that you can castigate others for what they believe to be instrumental in their own lives.

You're gravely wrong about immigration. In the 50's, people started voicing concern about illegal immigrants and the government started a crackdown, complete with raids, and solved the bulk of the problem swiftly. It's not a new concept. Cheap labor isn't cheap labor when it comes with hospitals closing their doors because of non-paying illegals, schools breaking down because they can't afford the influx of non tax-paying students, prison overcrowding due to criminal foreign nationals. Not to mention, the possibility for terrorists to march across the border. Your precious Mexico encourages its impoverished citizens to willfully break the laws of another country for its own benefit. America is on its way out because the middle class is being taxed to death to cover the insane amount of money that illegal immigration has cost us. Why do you think my husband came here from Mexico City, and his family followed? The middle class was being squeezed in Mexico too. As you sit and wait for our demise, just bear in mind that Mexico will suffer too. We are too closely intertwined, and any harm to America will have scathing results for you as well.

Agnes said...

However, it struck me as curious that almost nobody here speaks about the most important thing: Mexicans themselves.
I happen to know a lot about eastern European and ex USSR illegals; also Middle Easterns. Here, we do have Kurds, Afghans. Not happiness and aboundance drives people away. The fate of an illegal is not something one could envy. And I also think that one should concentrate on how to fix the problem (giving legal status, respectively creating jobs in Mexico or elsewhere. To find a solution instead of furthering hatred.

furtherleft said...

How about just ignoring the border? Seems to work.

Agnes said...

Yes, it does:on the other hand as long as states exist, there will be borders.

What I had in mind was poverty: I know why people leave. The other: the legal status of the guest workers. All questions looking for an answer, and that seems more important than my opinion or others'.

Also, Mexico has her own immigrants (legal or not). So do other countries.
One has no power to make the borders go: but can speak out for the guest workers. We work with what we have, sorry. As you well know, that is always the near future, and almost always local.

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

Redwine, Only Mexicans can speak for themselves, all I can do is tell what I see. The truly poor Mexican does not go to America, they have no money for travel and no money to pay for the crossing. They stay stuck where they are. True bus fairs are cheap, but not if you don't have the price of them. Many skilled workers go north because they know the wages are better and jobs easy to get. For most, they do leave happiness behind, family and home. They could get jobs here if they wanted, most are leaving jobs behind.
And as to legal status, open the border and let them work. It was that way before in reality, if not by law, until this terrorist craze the Americans are on. More migrants are coming now because America causes an imbalance here with their demands. If America could have more respect and not ignore the harm they do here and change it to help the economy, that would go a long way.
Hate is what one should feel for an evil government, but not for each other over who is going to work where with what paper. We need understanding, there is no threat if one was not made of it. Just yesterday two Mexican restaurants were burnt down, this is escalating as the American mind is gripped with fears, named and unnamed