Saturday, July 22

My World

It's time to be thinking of my new house again, money is coming in this summer and perhaps there will be enough left to build some more on it. The foundation was put in ten years ago, but nothing much but plan after plan has happened since. Which has been good in some ways, because those plans have slowly thru the years developed into the ultimate house plan. I've lived in that house for years now in my mind and walked around the rooms to see how they will feel. I even know where the furniture will go. I set out there on the empty foundation right where it will be gazing at my so fantastic view. Actually, it's one big room. 26 feet by 36 feet. When I get that done, I will put another little room on the side for the bath and laundry, I don’t want any walls dividing up that big space. I'm putting a wrought iron fence around the bed area, waist high, to keep the dogs off it, but it wont close things in much. I want the feeling of a large area around me to stir around in and feel the space. The red bricks for it were delivered quite a few years back when an American brick company here failed. They were little more than the price of delivery. So they wait, along with the tin roofing that came at a tremendous bargain. It will have styrofoam in the rafters to stop the heat and cold. All this is carefully thought out because it is what cost the very least and is available here. True, the house won´t last down thru the ages but it will last my lifetime. All the windows will be second hand, which I already have collected up much of. I don't have the front door yet, it has to be really special because my last houses ended up with having no real front and no real front door. I might even get a doorbell, but I don’t know what for, as it sits in the middle of my land surrounded by a chain link fence. Very private, all the passing people see is the backs of my buildings. I dislike front doors that strangers can come up and knock on and you have to open to see who it is. I like to keep them waiting at my big iron gates, greeted by my dogs.
So, maybe with luck I can bit by bit have the cement poured for the floor, how solid and good that would feel, I could sweep it. It feels so good to spend so little on it, make it so simple. So much waste can go into homes, I don't like big houses, lots of rooms. And besides, I like to see my living in front of me, all gathered together, not divided up into walls and doors. My kitchen will be in one corner, where the view looks towards the sea and mountains. Galley style, small and efficient. I don’t store much, so I don't need many cabinets. Just one big floor to ceiling pantry for whatever ends up in there. Simple living is done best in simple lodgings.
I'm not sure what I will do with the storage shed turned house I live in now when I move out. Maybe give it to the dogs, or maybe rent it out if times get harder. It is very small and does not face the view right and it is not really finished up either and a little sagging to one side. Once your in, its harder to work on it. But it is always good to have extra buildings, you never know what could come up. Like the work shop building, it just keeps growing and sheds pop up all over for one thing or another. Then there is the little house for my mother too. That is all completed tho, she likes things that way. I don’t mind living in an unfinished reality, it sort of keeps things open. Time sure slips by, ten years so far here, I am always so grateful I can look out my windows and see the home I will have someday. No sense in getting in a hurry, life is plenty good in the inbetween. And one of the nicest things, it's all paid for as I go. The property paid for too when I bought it at a very affordable price. I can't imagine living with payments to meet, what a loss of freedom. So I anxiously wait to see the worker and my husband stir up by hand those first bags of cement to put in the far corner where the view is best. I will have to get an umbrella.


elasticwaistbandlady said...

"The borrower is slave to the lender".
If only as young newlyweds we had taken that Biblical gem to heart. The World encourages instant gratification and if you don't have the funds, it's no problem. Just use a credit card and find yourself tethered to unscrupulous companies that will play you like a puppet, raising your interest on a whim.

We're working doggedly to escape having payments and owing our soul to faceless corporate entities. We alsl pulled the plug on the T.V. and brought our children home from the public schools. What we've found is an instant change away from their previous materialistic desires and precocious attitudes. They've become much more loving and are learning to work as a cohesive family unit. They now understand that happiness doesn't begin and end at the mall. I hope we break the credit crazy cycle with this newer generation.

Good for you, saving supplies as you go, and not signing a mortgage contract in blood. See, there are topics that we readily agree upon. I know, that suprised the heck out of me too.

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

mullet, my respects to you for going cardless. One less tie to the system, and such a strong one.

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

Waistband, I live my beliefs. I have never had a credit card or check account, I have never been in debt for anything more than a week or twos worth of groceries at the local store on a promise. I have chosen a country that does not war on others and does not have the death penalty. I don't believe in killing as an answer. My countries worse problem is trying to supply your countries illegal drug needs.

If you truly had a country worth loving you would not have an educational system that your children need be protected from. And television would be educational, not mindwarpping. You say you see signs of regaining your family unit, and this is to admit that in your country it is dissolving. The core of your country is consumerism and you say you must guard against this. It is the very principle it is run on, more more more. You find many serious faults with your country in what counts most, but only seem to take the means to protect your own self from it and not care about protecting the world from it.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

You know why zatikia? Because people have their very own free agency. Yeah, we bought into the idea of consumerism, and now we're finding our way out of that mindset. That's our CHOICE, and I certainly don't advocate that for everybody, nor do I think anyone needs protection from it. A very small minority are pulling their kids out of school. Is that the right decision for all families? Certainly not. Do all homeschoolers cite the same reasoning for withdrawing their kids? NO. There's a plethora of reasons outside of escaping government controlled schools. See, the main difference between you and me, is that I believe in freedom to choose what's best for your family. While Communism believes that THEY know what's best for everyone.

Mexico has big problems with political corruption too. Lots of assassinations, kidnappings, ransom, guerillas, crushing poverty. Not everything is America's fault and without America, Mexico would crumble. We are listed as the second largest source of revenue for Mexico.

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

Waistband, I don't really care about your trivial American concerns and delusions and am not going to get into a drawn out debate with you. If your curious about the left and truth, go ahead and have a peek now and again, but I don't want to get involved with who you are and what you do and how you limit your reasoning. I don't like Americans and I don't make a habit of conversing with them. I know who and what they are and don't need reminders. You have no idea or way to view how very limiting American your thoughts are, like your seeped in it and ooze it out all over. Rampant Americanism. Your arguments are those of an American and what you read back is filtered with a haze of Americanism that limits what you can comprehend. Even your vocabulary and your humor is American. You don't want to learn, all you want to do is confirm your own deluded by American propaganda views. Any nation that claims greatness and guidance and uses war, killing and torture and lies for its answer and raises its children for that purpose is sick and the product of its society is sick and you are part of that inescapable sickness as you participate in it.

And a clue for you, while I'm at it. All government is corrupt, some just more so than others. To me, to go to another country and kill its people and destroy is corrupt, and to use a front of so called goodness to do it is even more so. America is what causes the imbalance. To share borders with such a corrupt, needy and greedy country as yours is like living with a cancer. Mexico was here long before your upstart nation and will be here long after it. Your doomed.

No apologies, I have better things to do than play this game with you, keep off my blog. Read my truths if you like, but that’s it. I just hate hearing Americans complain about their country while their crooning love songs to it.

furtherleft said...

There are 192 nations in the world. Here are crime frequency rankings of the three closest to us. A question is posed. Here is a hint for the answer. Can you say racism?

Agnes said...

"I don’t mind living in an unfinished reality, it sort of keeps things open." - very nice.

White Man Retarded said...

Uh, wait, America kicked Mexico's butt in the 1800s. Is that propagandist lies? It's a double-standard to not want to discuss issues, whatever, points of view, etc. when they disagree with you. That would be...racism? Speaking of racism, aren't Mexicans half-breed products of Spaniard-raped Indians (sorry-Native Mexicans)? Is that US propagandist lies also? So if the rape-origin story is true, what ethnicity do you claim? Sorry to disagree, but racism is a human-fault, not an American fault. And we're keeping Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico. You can keep California. But, that's another discussion.

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

Looks like you must have got straight As in your history classes, you got their view down perfect. All ready for the big time now, soon you will get to go out killing for those beliefs. Go team America, Go. But like the title of this post says, My world, write too much more of your easy come by, typical insults and I won´t answer again. I like my tejanos polite.

Garth said...

When their half-arsed opinions fail to convince, all they have left is kicking butt.

White Man Retarded said...

I'm from New Orleans, so I'm not tejano. Louisiano. Orleano Nueve. I have nothing but love for you; I must tell the truth. And, to make it clear, my opinions are full-arsed. I don't mean any insults, but I think I just pointed out some inconsistencies in your comments about racism and America. Is only America guilty? Again, it is a human trait, not mindset adopted by one particular country. What do you want to accomplish with your opinions? How do you know I don't disagree with them?

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

Pisces, and they don´t do to well at kicking butt either.

PH or WC Mouth Joy, You´d do well to stop looking for inconsistancies and figure what consists and think about that, you would get further.

My opinions are here for those who want to read them, take it or leave it. And perhaps your opinions do agree with mine. If you think those who go to war are brainwashed and a fool, willing to commit atrocities for a false cause, then we do see it alike. But I somehow doubt it.

White Man Retarded said...

I'm not degrading your opinions, just disagreeing. War is not necessarily a bad thing. What do you believe of communism? The basic belief of communism is there is a constant war, and all things, happenings, are in a constant state of battle. How do you know you are not the brainwashed one? Where is your validation? I'm not trying to convince you, or Pisces, or anyone. I'm comfortable with what I believe regarding war, the U.S., etc., but what do you validate your belief in? It's a serious question; I'm not trying to be contrary.

Agnes said...

"The basic belief of communism is there is a constant war" - You mean class struggle? Otherwise what you write about is an amazing and prophetic novel entitled 1984. (I am not a Communist but in case you want to discuss this, please, read a bit more about it.)

"I'm comfortable with what I believe" - That is a problem, you see, leading to brainwashing.

I am not, and many fine people I know, -on both sides - are not.

Garth said...

PH - To disagree is healthy - but uninformed argument is pointless.
Spit out the white chocolate mouth joy (what's it doing in there anyway?)and do a bit of reading on world history and perhaps a bit of political theory too.
One of your fellow Texans (I was working in Galveston at the time)once asked me: "So where exactly is South Africa?"

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

Redwine, comfortable is where they want to get them.

WC, War is always a bad thing for those who are killed and for that which is destroyed. You are looking at the situation as a conqueror would, not a victim or you would not say such things. Have your family killed in the name of war then tell me it is not necessarily bad. I believe in goodness, I think mankind should progress and live in peace. I believe that war is not the way to get what we want. Why is America fighting? Its big business, money and power, you or I or anyone or anything does not counts in that game but the game itself and to win it. Maybe your brain and many like it don't need to be washed anymore, perhaps in America your just born that way now. But to me, to go out killing for hire because you live in a country that is on a rampage takes a bit of going for what is way out of balance. Stick a weapon in your hand and tell you to kill a man, what for, think of it. Maybe he is standing at his home protecting his family, his town. Kill his family too perhaps. And you want to kill him because your government tells you to? Drop a bomb on his church or school? Why, because he is threatening your family, threatening your existence or because your following orders? That’s a soldiers job, following orders and if your going to be so called good at it you better let the process take over your mind and do as told. Don’t think and don't recognize the truth. Why are you killing? Are you killing terrorists? Or are you the terrorist? I just don't think its basic human nature to kill each other or we would all be dead. Something gives a twist to your mind that enables it. Your American, and your brainwashed.

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

Pisces, uninformed argument seems to be a tejano speciality, along with lack of geography, I´ve been noticing that.

Agnes said...

"but what do you validate your belief in?"

On the fact that they worked. If some countries do have a healthy economy now, and a strong safety net, thank the left that they have it. I don't mean the socialist bloc: that failed. But many countries did not.

Also: if then invasion brought Iraq real eliberation and democracy, I would agree. As it is, it is a complete fuck up, sorry, and I wouldn't be so proud of it. And they can't even leave, now,on the verge of a civil war. If you prefer carnage and looting, say so: just don't call it something one can be proud of and comfortable to live with.

furtherleft said...


The lowest aim in life is to become a soldier. The good soldier never tries to distinguish right from wrong. He never thinks; never reasons; he only obeys. If he is ordered to fire on his fellow citizens, on his friends, oh his neighbours, on his relatives, he obeys without hesitation. If he is ordered to fire down a crowded street when the poor are clamouring for bread, he obeys and sees the grey hairs of age stained with red and the life tide gushing from the breasts of women, feeling neither remorse nor sympathy. If he is ordered on to a firing squad to execute a hero or benefactor, he fires without hesitation, though he knows the bullet will pierce the noblest heart that ever beat in a human beast. A good soldier is a blind, heartless, soulless, murderous machine. He is not a man. He is not a brute, for brutes only kill in self defence. All that is human in him, all that is divine in him, all that constitutes the man has been sworn away when he took the enlistment. - Jack London

You probably never heard of him Chocolate. You'll find him in a Library but may have to look outside the US.

"Why of course the people don't want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don't want war neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." - Hermann Goering

You may have heard that name. No, he was not a US senator. Could have been though.

He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would fully suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once……Heroism at command, senseless brutality, deplorable love-of-country stance, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be a part of so base an action! It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder." - Albert Einstein

I would guess you heard this name. Heard yes, understood him no.

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

Pocho, to be able to ignore such knowledge as you post above from these three men would prove that the mind was already brainwashed.

Yodood said...

I certainly appreciate your and FurtherLeft's's efforts to get me access to a more conversational mode than blogs and comment (see how spoiled we all are, communications are better than ever and yet we all want face to face conversation video phones). I don't think either of you understood that I have the latest level of java for mac, wouldn't think of doing anything without it. For me, clicking on the link FurtherLeft sent me by email sends me back to the page where the only option is to download the IRC program with the .exe extension. It's a pain, but in mocking mimicry of nature we have cyberskins only to recognize that we are unique parts of each other with the threshold between being the only indication of the body of which we are all a part. The new mac running intel and dual platform capabilities should be the DMSO for cyberskins. Until such time we can dream of electric sheep bleating to each other in real time in their video chat rooms. Thanks again for your efforts, but we can probably get acquainted quite well through posts and blogs. Personally, I enjoy the freedom of expressing myself to the everyman in us all without the hassle of having to tailor of my words for specific individual's biases for any hope of communication. We all have the bias that we think we need words to communicate in the first place.