Tuesday, July 4

Keeping the Balance


My brother brought me down a new set of dishes, they are very nice to look at. I did not need new dishes, mine are fine and I like them very much, collected from all over, so many colors. But he says its always good to get something newer and besides, they all match. And my birthday is next month and he had to get something. I went to put them in my cupboard and the dinner plates are wider than the shelves. He says his dishes are that big, but they fit. His wife had him put in new cabinets on the last kitchen remodeling especially to hold this newer bigger size. They give the message you need to make more food to fill them up. I like small meals. I picture fat Americans with heaped plates, eyes shining, lips parting. These dishes will be hard to get use to, I can tell. More more more and always bigger. I am lucky I am poor and can't afford cabinet doors yet, so it does not hurt if they stick out. I am wondering if I should make more coffee in the morning, so the cup does not look only half full, kind of stingy. But I only like so much coffee and that’s that. Oh yes, it's not a cup it’s a mug. Such a descriptive word. But perhaps I should not complain, because I too benefit from American excess. It is time for my brothers windows to be changed out to the latest type. His new ones will be so much more efficient, and they really do look like wood. He will bring me down the old windows and I will store them for my real house I am going to finish building out there on the rest of my property. Someday. Provided they don’t get the glass broke out of them from storms, rocks, dogs and various accidents, like the windows from the last time he replaced his. I've noticed its hard to care for windows when they are not in the wall. But I will try, free windows, that’s nice. As I sit here writing this and wondering about it all, I wonder how well oversize dishes will store. Posted by Picasa


Garth said...

Your story makes a beautiful allegory.

littlebitofsonshine said...

well there are some people who by dishs just to break to make inlay with .And its nice he at least gives you he still new but old windows .Maybe next time he be kind and ask you what you want on your day of birth.Be safe walk in peace allways my friend .

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