Thursday, December 1

Hate Well

What is this word called hate and why do so many think it is wrong? It is a force, like love, a full circle. I think that the common man has been taught that he is not suppose to feel hate and if he does he has sinned. And the common man, of course, does not want to sin. So he takes the right to his own powers and forfeits one and becomes the weaker for it. Hate constructively, love constructively, live constructively, and fully. Your owners, the rich and few, do not want you to hate, they tell you to love, even your enemy. As a society we have become afraid of hate, its not polite or acceptable or quite civilized enough for our refined and filtered and confined tastes. We are constantly drummed into our minds, love not hate. But they come together, strong and useable and must be handled with balance and understanding. It is correct to hate evil and it is correct to love good. We do not need to let our hate turn us into killers and liars and destroyers, even as those that use love for that same purpose. We, as a people, need to take back our human right to hate openly and positively that which is wrong, or we cannot stop it with half felt measures. There are many things I hate and that hate has stood me to make many of the right decisions in my direction in life that have been very positive. Hate well.


littlebitofsonshine said...

The resion i dont hate or like to is because i see it as a cancer not as anyone told me to believe.I dont like it beause i have hated to the point it runed a major part of my young life.TO me love and caring are growing Hate is to slowly die inside to kill all that i am and could be so see now you know why i do my best never to hate i dont want to die full of cancer i want to die in peace.If i hate and chase a hate instead of loving and caring and sharing how have i helped anyone even myself i have not if i hate to the point i want to harm someone if i would harm then i have harmed myself becuase now i have become what i hate a mean human not a caring healing human in humanity no taught me this i learned this .My friend allways if hate is what leads your actions bless you for then i pray you find your iner peace i cant change anyone nore do i ask for it to be done but i guess im silly and naive i left hate a while back and i hope never to hate again to disaprove maybe and to take action to change it in a positive way is what i seearch for HEALING NOT killing

Crazy Jane said...

Something to think about.

furtherleft said...

From Saul Alinski: "The Radical may resort to the sword but when he does he is not filled with hatred against those individuals whom he attacks. He hates these individuals not as persons but as symbols representing ideas or interests which he believes to be inimical to the welfare of the people."

There are reasons those individuals are in their persons the symbols they have become. They can either join us, get out of the way, or be walked over.

littlebitofsonshine said...

well im starting to understand my friend and makes me sad not mad hert and depressed not wanting to harm more then all ready done to a bunch of sheep who being watched by hungry wolfs sad thing is thay are not even in sheep clothing no more wow how long does it take a bunch of sheep learn to live knowing any time thay can be eaten do sheep ever fight back and if so where are the rams = sheeps army what happened to the FDA = health watchers congress = desiders of wright and wrong for all americans in fairness or have i lost my mind o wait i have papers to many polutiants