Monday, November 28

Simple is Better

Simple, the word I build my life around. It is because I have found out simple is better and I like life good. Simple brings more pleasure and meaning. I tried life in America a time or two, but simple can't apply in a country that is so fragmented and exaggerated. Nothing is quite right and it makes you want to search for the next thing. Like you might be missing something if you don't. Excess wieghs heavy and there is always a heavy price for carrying it.

One of my most thankful things in life, the one I am always saying to myself, how lucky I am, is that I chose Mexico for my country to be part of. It just suits my natural sense of freedom and justice and rarely bumps up against my sense of invasion that America bombards ones mind and rights with by the minute. Being American is like a mental illness that clouds ones vision to the point of delusional and gullable. It is laughable when one looks at what Americans think is the good life. Making their life their jobs so they can support the payments on what they already have and hardly have time for and don't really need. All those complicated things to make life easier and more desirable for them. Americans idolize their rich and will go to any lenghts to imitate them in their own lives and do that while they curse those rich for being what they are. So many things are mixed up about this nation of failed people.

Here, poor is respected, it just means you don't have much money. In Mexico you can be very poor and live very well. In America, being poor means failure and exclusion and shame. The lives of the poor in the state of Mexico I live in are very good happy full lives. They take their enjoyment from family and nature and the daily routines of life. They are in balance and it shows. Very good people here in Mexico. And for this I can still go on believing in the human race bettering itself. For if it was left to judge mankind by America and its spread, one would have to truthfully say it is an ugly experiment. A type of people who must always consume more and more, focus on them ownselves only, and not be able to learn from outside sources has its own doom built in.

Its strange how I am 75 miles away from the scar of the border to America and life is what it should be, and then cross it and the world becomes ugly and hostile and selfish and no principals. It is so easy to recognize an American, there is nothing else like them, even their imitators can't get it down totally.

A complicated mess.


Anonymous said...

Yeah in a way i see what you mean like the oil barons thay get rich and the poor pay higher prices means what little extra money we had for simple pleasures is gone .Why do the ones who say thay are trying to help others are the ones getting rich and thay cant share the wealth with ever one by haveing lower prices .Why must my home be to someone elses standards .here if your home is not up to federal laws thay can throw u out and your home is condimmed. Why are so many laws said to protect harm why do you loose your home if taxs not made fast enuff why are you taxed yearly on things you have im so lost .If its your land how can you loose it if its not up to anothers standards or why do u have to keep paying taxs on it????

furtherleft said...

You sure I didn't write that? Well no, I don't write as well. But, I am sure I have thought it many times just as you've expressed it.

Why do you live in Mexico is a common question question Americans ask. Perhaps to feed their misconceptions with "Because I like chiles and mariachi music" is a better answer than the truthful, "Because it is a free country". They are so blinded in their ignorance, bigotries, and fascism so as to be incabable of understanding that.

Anonymous said...

Y'know, I can tell, Shanghai is going perfectly to be just another America soon; or better said, universal. Endless competition, fulltime monetary drive drives you to sardine yourself once more into the 120% packed sardine community, just to get the, *proudly* spoken, hardworking, high [or low], life dedicating, competitive, challenging, metropolitan pathetic big earnings.

Life shouldn't be like this. Life to me, is definitely to be enjoyed, without material fuss, as long as you're happy, you're healthy. Everything comes and goes naturally.

So why can't I say then, it's just a collective addiction of looking for more and more and one more trouble for themselves to do each day when they could do the opposite? Oh they'd answer, "you're not a productive person, you're lazy, you don't struggle for money." My answer? Simple. I won't ever join you, join your hardworking community of digging a better grave, and definitely don't have to stick to your principles to make my life better.

All this just makes me want to escape as soon as possible, although when saying it the fact is I can't yet. But one day, sooner or later, preferably sooner, I will get away from the situation to be globalized, to be so called, their sick proud way of being *productive*.

Wait. When writing this, I got a phone call. Been looking for an apartment. Guess how much for this rent? 2000 RMB. Christ, that price if I paid each month I could even buy me a house gradually. Know why? Life in big cities is ooh so highly rated, so cash driven, so expensive. If you don't have money, you get out. Because you're then a lowlife bum, you're spat upon.