Wednesday, November 2

Evil America

Exchanging thoughts with two minds I respect (in Further Left Chat, of course) I once again touched down on the horror of America. I journeyed thru the yahoo chats some time back, and saw a sampling of what it is to be American, living there and doing it. Where is their heart? Long gone in a game of trying to escape the guilt of being themselves and the heritage of their murderous and barbaric land. In Americas head long rush to possess bigger and better and to get what is theirs by their so called right of privileged birth, they have opened themselves up to their governments technique of turning them selfish so they cannot unite.

I read what the bad and ignorant had to say in the cesspools of yahoo. The Bush lovers and the war worshippers, earth destroyers, revelers in prejudices and greed. So obviously wrong, but not the only wrong. It is the ones that claim they are doing good that should be watched as well. The ones who spin the illusion of America the Great, the ones who say, it's not us, it's them, don't blame me, blame my system. Their belief in their pick and choose what part of America they want, to put their faith and pride in, is what keeps the country running and enables this evil. This nation needs to be put to an immediate end and anyone who hinders that is an enemy of the world.

I watched these empty hearted selfish do gooders. They make me fear for the future of mankind. To become aware of how they are is to touch on the sickness of their country, its internal rot, that spreads like a plague. They think living right is arranging your words to reflect what you think should be, not living what should be. They live a lie, everyone of them, and that lie has compromised each one as an individual.

I am sad, thinking of these Americans I met here in cyberspace and how each one seems to confirm the reason America is now a failure and a danger to the world. Weak people, easily led astray with their governments clamp on their ability to distinguish truth or fight for it. Live in America and all you can see is America, the rest of the world is just an ignored back yard to abuse as you want.

Shame on all you complaining hypercritical self deluded Americans. You need to look at yourselves, and improve that before you can expect to perform miracles on your used up country.

Oh well, at least I am here in my much loved Mexico, where life is so very good and free and living great just comes naturally. The day, warm and breezy, will soon overtake me, and that world of oppression and dreams gone wrong will fade away and once again life and living will be what it should. So many things to enjoy.


furtherleft said...

I began to write a comment but there was nothing I could say which would make clearer what you expressed and what so many outside the US clearly see. What I ended with would not do justice to what you've written. I posted them instead on Further Left Forum so as not to detract here. Is it having lived most of a life in the US and then finding the heart's home here in Mexico that makes so clear what those there cannot discern? I am not sure. It may be that they know it deep down but are afraid of what they selfishly fear as a cost of taking the step of acknowlegment.

littlebitofsonshine said...

Well being a true mixed american my friend its sad but your right about so many things .but being an AMERICAN how can i give up on something that stood for good in a sick way become force and greed .Who am i if i jump ship and run and not stand and say look what WE have become.Guess im a fool i want peace in true heal and respect for all if theres a true country like this and never a war or harm to the natives ever let me know i want to go there ok