Wednesday, November 23

Many Roads

Checking out the wastelands of yahoo as I do every now and again I found this complaint on my messenger from an angry young man. He writes rather well, being pushed by so much hostility, although he lets his imagination get out of bounds a little to often for the sake of making it sound worse to himself.

I learned on yahoo that most people think progress is conflict. If your not outdoing the next with the brilliance of your argument, your loosing, and the purpose is to win. I watch these type come into Further Left Library and Chat Room. They say, Ok, I'm here, what are we going to debate about? Then I tell them, no, we are here to get along. This is a shocking concept to them. How can getting along solve problems and bring peace and healing? They say we must disagree, divide up our differences and thrash them out until we are enemies and only focus on those fragmented differences, we thrive on conflict. This is how the American mind has become, the only answer, fight.

I experimented once with fighting on yahoo, jump on whoever I could and rip into them. It was always the same, no one changed, nothing came of it, but a few thrills for saying what I have always wanted to those American idiots and fools. But I don't sit still and saw the dead end. The progress with being with a few people you trust, exploring and learning the truths of this confusing times and helping each of us to respread them in our own ways is a treasure. As Pocho said in the blog Forum in the article titled We Are the Message, this use of the internet to form small groups of people who are dedicated to change, when all accumulated amounts to a massive force. This force, the message from the truth tellers, could very well overwhelm the evil that is at this moment overtaking us. If we can't get along with each other, how can we work towards peace? I would much rather have a home base in cyberspace to work from than a battlefield of monotony and uselessness to dump my beliefs. There are many roads to making change.

And now to take a moment to reply to this overeducated underlived young mans effort on scolding me for not being what he wants. I would call my beliefs Old age, not New Age. Dating back thru time to what is simple. Live your beliefs or they are nothing but talk. If you believe in good, be good. Respect is one of the most important things we can offer the world and its people. Politics and Religion are traps of the power hungry and not to be believed in, but guarded against. They do not hold the answers to life and getting along. And as to his suggestion below that I am too pathetic to live, no wonder he has turned to politics as his religion. I am sure this young man has much time and money wrapped up in being schooled for his opinions and I hope someday life can teach him where those opinions really belong, and that he get can on with all we really have, today.

Below, I post his message, out of interest of what is in the minds of these sorts. Attack mode only, so American, even when they are in France.

You're full of new-age spiritual mumbo jumbo - that is, garbage, complete garbage. Truer spot inside yourself? You're so self-righteous and self-important, and when I ask you for answers, you have none. You tell me "to be part of something good you have to be good", but you aren't something good. You're completely full of shit. All this "i live life according to my beliefs" doesn't mean shit, at all. You think you're a rebel because you somehow live life according to your principles? That's nonsense. I'm not giving you a bad boy attitude, I'm just asking questions that you are completely incapable of answering.
Getting along will not change anything, and that isn't your interest. Conformity is what this is all about, and you want people to have your opinions. You don't understand the world and what's needed in the world. What's needed is more conflict, but you can't deal with that. Everything you do and say is anti-democratic, it's fascist. Those who won't say what you want them to say, who won't repeat your droning beliefs are EXCLUDED, that's the opposite of freedom, liberty, it's the opposite of justice, it IS fascism. You think you're in a privileged position but you're nowhere
And, politics and economics ARE everything when it comes to change. What else is there? The revolution is either political and economic, or it's nothing. "Living life according to your principles"? THAT'S COMPLETE SELF-RIGHTEOUS NONSENSE. You think you're special in this world, and you're not, you have no answers or solutions. In fact, you want to completely ignore what's going on in the world, because you're too self-important to care about anyone but yourself. You don't see how many people in the world have it so so much worse than you, you're too busy feeling sorry for yourself to change anything.
If anyone, you're the one who's acting like it, you won't let anyone challenge your fragile little world, whereas I DEMAND conflict, I DEMAND to be challenged. But you can't take it. You're too pathetic to live.

And such are the words of the very angry and mixed up young man.

1 comment:

furtherleft said...

In the use we make of the internet as well as other political and social organizing activities, there is important reason for anonymity of identity and personal characteristics. Understanding people will neither seek to breach nor comment upon those. That has little to do with respect of personal protection. Its importance lies instead in serving to maintain principle above personality by holding message more important than messenger.

Notice that those lacking ideas prefer to focus on personalities. Why? A good guess is that they don't like theirs, it hurts, and the pain can be eased by projecting theirs outward in attempt to diminish others. Rather than struggle to rise to the stature of peers, they opt to cut them down.

I care not to know what others are. I would rather hear what they believe about the world and what we can do about it. That is what may lead to learning and growth.

I also have encountered the source of this post as well as many others playing the same hidden game. They tend to use words and slogans relating to the world we face, but those are not the message extended. The real communication is encoded in its manner. That is an attempted contest to determine who was somehow better than another. Your quoted message in this post is a typical example.

The saving grace offering cause not to be too upset about this is realization that some people do grow up as life's experiences further impend upon them.