For so many, what they live, and what they believe are two different things. Many do not live their beliefs, only hold them inside. Making thoughts and goals of them. Not realities. They may make good companions, but beyond that add little, especially to the outside world. Many would do different if they could. But most of those would not, if it meant a sacrifice in another area, like security or ease. They would rather keep their dreams conveniently out of reach. Why change when you can stay the same. America is a nation of just such people. Ideally probably quite a few of them do not want to be killers and wreckers of the planet. And even a few try to live in balance in a land that demands imbalance. A society sickens when its better part must be stifled down, even to each individual, so they can live with the shame of what their country does, to others and it´s own. What of the so called caring, to have the leader of the nation you proclaim to love, the head of a mob of power hungry murderers out to rape the world. They cannot divorce themselves from what they do not like about America, it is as a whole in what it does, it is the outcome that counts, the results. Each adds up to what it is. In America, you cannot live as you believe, or you must believe in the wrongness of it. It is a nation that makes you live a lie. And freedom always strangles when you lie.
I live my beliefs, I always have. I feel it’s the only way to live, by not compromising them. Its lead me on an interesting and very meaningful path. Putting principals first. There was a time when America appeared worth saving, but that was just an illusion. It has been doomed from the start. Just shooting up on violence and greed until its topped itself out on it. Exposed its insides for what they are and now no ever hiding them again. Only for those who willfully hide from the facts of their country so they can live what is known as the good life off the illgotten gains. America is past its time, as a nation, but as a force it sweeps the world in its corruption of society and methods. Even if one leaves America, to do the right thing, they must always fight Americanization, wherever it is. America the country, is nothing but a quick experiment in history, all about ready to finish its change since its fall from belief. One should love their life, but not such a country.