Wednesday, August 9

So Much of It

Learning and discovering about the world was a different thing before the rot of America cracked open and came oozing out all over the place. So much news about America, dominating everything, even ones attention. It makes the globe look like a target of conquests and oppressions and defeats. Watching America as it crumbles and exposes itself one sees all manners of horrors. War as a business technique. Torture as an acceptable method, selling weapons to anyone that will buy, pushing bunk religions to fit the newest cause. It offends the senses to have to realize the depths of their depravity. They have even turned learning into entertainment so no one has to think. Consumerism and capitalism. Global warning and waning resources. America is right in the forefront of all of this, paving the way, joining up with those that will go for it. Their government cares for nothing but their greed and this uncaring filters down to where it has dissolved the family unit. No one cares anymore, you can see torture victims and dead babies, that’s just the norm now, thanks to America. People using the name of their god to excuse what they do because he is on their side. Their Hollywood putting out mind trash and their news propaganda. Even their diets turn against them with their fast foods and overeating, turning even mealtime to disgust. America seethes with a sick hatred, a hatred of each other, of the black, of the brown, of the white, the yellow, the different, themselves. They don't hate the crimes of their government, they overlook them in order to overlook their guilt. The more one looks at this country the more one sees the worst side of humanity. One should be aware of all there is one can be aware of, but must one learn it from the glare of the atrocities of the Americans continuously. Why do I see the torture photos in my mind, I knew torture was wrong and I was aware that it is used. But must I have it spread out all over as a daily event as I wander thru my news sources. Must America continuously bump up against my sensitivity until it gets use to horrors. These things should not predominate what a nation does, but what America does fills me with disgust. I wish my mind could go back to where it was before all this finally erupted, all those thoughts of the wrongs that can be done did not collide on the surface and push up against the meaning of everyday life. America is a blot on the existence of mankind and a wound on the mind.


White Man Retarded said...

Yet you seem so full of love and kindness.

White Man Retarded said...

I forgot also charitable, tolerant, an example of goodness, civility, an example all Americans should follow since you lead a more enlightened existence, and so on. Quit whining and do something about it.

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

I already did something about it, I don´t add my life to it or my earnings. I would suggest that you do something about it, since your part of it. And not being in America, the land of willfull ignorance, does make me more enlightened. I have a much better view from here. And yes, I am very very loving and kind and all those good things, why not, it’s a good way to be. Along with hating evil and America, they all fit real well.

Tell me again I´m whining when all I am doing is telling simple truths to share with those who want to look beyond, you won´t be invited back here to comment again. Remember, I told you I don´t like rude Tejanos, especially far right ones.

furtherleft said...


Rancho Perros Bravos said...

Sounds like your asking me to kick you out of my space here, tejanito. Just like an American, always having to push it. If you don't like what I have to say, I suggest not reading for months on end like you have been doing. It might warp your brainwashing, careful. Now be nice and stay off my blog, if you can muster up that much self control. And if you want charity, you better go begging elsewhere, that’s sure not what your country needs. And talk about complaining and whining, sounds like that is what your doing about me. Why do Americans always accuse others of what they themselves are doing. Now stay away, please. I have truths to tell for those who are looking for them.

Yes Pocho, for sure, typical, typical, typical and more typical.

White Man Retarded said...

Just ignore my responses to them. You should be happy the ignorant and typical Americans are reading your truths. I just said it appears you are just being...KKK. So, what color are your sheets?

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

gear on up to learning mode for a moment tejano, remember I said the invitation to post here no longer spreads to you. So kindly don´t do it again, thank you. But you have my permission to read, so read me all you want.

furtherleft said...

Glad to meet you callous, though I think I wrote you once before. Maybe see you on the Forum or Chat Room some day. Though all there don't wear your label, you would not be alone and be welcomed for what you are.

Anonymous said...

I'm not as radical as I purport myself to be; it's more of a metaphor of how can something I see that's so transparent (i.e. the stupidity of the current Administration in the U.S., the direction of a potential machine for peace, etc.) can be so dense to so many in my country. I've been busy trying to feed my family, insurance is killer, man, it's hard for an honest man to get by. So, there. I went to the chat room and signed on but am having trouble actuall getting in. Help?

? said...

Am linking to this blog. I really like it.

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

Obokun, That´s good to know, I hope you keep reading, thank you

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

Callous communist, just noticed my comment to you did not make it. Once again, if you need help getting in the chatroom just email furtherleft, the address is on the library, forum, and chat page.

Imagine, a world where white man did not try to control.

Yodood said...

Hey you guys, the USA is not America!! Just because Bush doesn't know the difference doesn't mean you have to mimic him. All white people don't love Bush. All citizens of the US don't want to be linked to his politics, in fact you can estimate the portion of the population his supporters represent by dividing the number of votes he got in either of the stolen elections by the entire population, including those that voted against him, those who have known for a long time that both parties are hands on the same beast and gave up on voting, those whose life is so self sufficiently independent of politics they just don't care and those who are not allowed to vote from their overcrowded prisons. As horrible as he is, Bush represents a mighty small minority of the citizens — smaller minority than the inhabitants in the US are compared to all of America!

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

Actually, it really doesn’t matter what percentage of Americans want or like Bush. The reality is, is he is there, doing his damage. These people being killed, it makes no difference to them that much of Bushes nation is not behind him, they are dead just the same.

Voting is a fraud that just continues the myth of two parties. To vote is to say you believe in the system.

Yodood said...

Please don't think I intended to mitigate the killing in Bush's evil scheme by going to the numbers, nothing can do that. I was trying to point out a mistake too often the reason for war and that is mistaking the people of a country for the insanity of their government. Waking up to the reality that our shepherd is also the wolf he claims to be waging his crusade against is realizing a reality a quantum leap more terrifying than the easier to swallow 911 commission propaganda lie if you don't actually read it. Heed the 5th Anniversary of the "American Tragedy" to sample the pheonix rising from the ashes of the "American Dream." We are all good people in various stages and depths of self delusion.
Or go to the link I put in my comment on the post above for my idea of flying above the rubble.

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

No Gregrandgar, I do not think you excuse the faults of your country or I would not be speaking to you in such a way. The government may not be the people, this is often true. But it is hard to accept a nation of people who ignore their wrongs so it does not interfer with their own personal gain. All to many complain while they benefit. If the world lived like America does, the earths resources would already be used up. And the American heads straight into more and more quite willingly. It is not acceptable to see such people who think they are superior live a life of ease while others pay for it. Americans basicaly do not care about others, only taught to care about themselves.

I will take your word that the movie is worth it and watch it soon.

Yodood said...

Your hatred of all things American is the kind of emotion required to justify collateral damage to civilians in an already unjustifiable war. I am sorry to see such a blanket thrown over a citizenry from whom a corrupt government has wrested control. I wish you would reread your statement, "Americans basicaly do not care about others" from the standpoint of US citizens just as outraged by Bush and as regretfull of the killing as you are, and then imagine Bush saying, "Iraqis basically are terrorists, so collateral damage and torture are valid results." I am sorry your hatred is so all consuming that the possibility of innocence is insignificant, especially when your writing is so full of love when directed at other subjects.
Also, to paraphrase your statement, "If all of the US citizens lived like the richest 30% of America does, the earth's resources would already be used up without the rest of the world getting anything."

Rancho Perros Bravos said...


Thank you for your correction on the 30% of Americans. I do realize some live in harsh conditions in want and some choose to live naturally and in balance. Although I do think your number a little low.

America is a government by the people, they are the ones that let this government slip in on them. When you look from the outside in your taking an over the top of it view, one sees what is most predominate. And what is most predominate is what represents and drives it. The exceptions are just that, exceptions and seem to make little difference. Hatred can be greatly misunderstood, it is an emotion. It is good and right to hate America for the things it does and the lies it represents. But that does not mean one should want it harmed with wars and death and destruction. Hate the way it is and want it stopped.What else should one feel towards a country that does such evil, dislike? That is not strong enough and that is what is wrong with many. Dulled to the horror of it. The shame of their country.

I find my statement true, Americans basicaly don´t care. It is a technique of the government and society, not caring. They have been conditioned that way, themselves first. Or else the system would not work, it requires selfishness. They can appear and sound to care, but not enough to where it changes their life or their country. They just go on with what they feel is their right.

You are invited to look at the blog forum I help run, and if you like, the Further Left Chat Room and Library. There are some more of my views and reasons why.

Yodood said...

Thanks for the invite to the forum and chat room. Futherleft has also invited me but I find access to the chatroom blocked for my mac using the Safari browser even though I am loaded with the latest Java. If you could point out a solution I would be grateful. I just read your list of significant quotes there and find them wonderfully thought prevoking, especially the one that begins "I hear in patriotic utterances…".
I also have such a page here. although it is a bit more about mankind's relationship to the nature of his planet and each other than to any system of government.
Amidst writing you this it occurred to me that mankind's greatest shortcoming is dependence on leadership after it learns to feed itself and the greatest evil is the tendency of leaders to foster the necessity of such dependency rather than teaching the needy to stand on their own two feet and make itself unnecessary. The quote that I have adopted as my motto is, "I can cover the earth in leather, or wear my own shoes." — Shankarachara. It covers pretty much all life situations for me

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

Gregrandar, you might try this link for information on the chat room, If that does not work let me know. I am pleased you enjoyed the quotes in our library, I have just been going over yours, many very wise and meaningful ones there. Thank you.

Yes, if only we were taught we are our own masters and need no leaders, just the truth that resides in us all and the ability to recognize it. It goes back to that wanting to be taken care of, instead of taking care of ourselves.

And I like your motto

Yodood said...

Zatikia, I tried the download before and found it to have an ".exe" extension, which works only on Microsoft crap. Perhaps if I succumb to the training in aquiring the latest greatest toys I was steeped in for the first half of my life and get the latest version of the mac that can run both platforms I can join in, don't hold your breath. Ah, well.

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

Gregrandar, Pocho is working on a way to get you in, he is the expert of us on these things. By tomorrow he will have more information. I use the computer, but know very little, just what I need to, and sometimes not that. We are but a small group there and use the chat not so much for debate as to find our similarities and learn from each other. Also we give each other help making the blogs.

Just on the off chance a direct link might work, try this,¶mfilena

more information tomorrow