Monday, August 28



It is my way to not fill out questionaires, and I don´t like playing games, but I do like books and enjoyed reading what others answered. So today, I decided to add mine to the rest of those "tagged". Thank you Redwine.
One book that changed your life?
My great grandmothers Grimms Fairy Tale Book from her library. So big and old, musky smelling, full of illustrations and strange tales. I had to sit on a special chair to read it. It took my imagination.
One book you have read more than once?
The Resurrection by Leo Tolstoy. Now and again I reread it, among others.
One book you would want on a desert island?
I would rather write a book in those conditions, than read one.
One book that made you laugh?
It seems most books make me laugh for one reason or another, but I think the author that amuses me the most is Charles Dickens. That is who comes to mind at the moment. I rarely read a book that is written for humor. And suddenly I remember The Horses Mouth, by Joyce Carey, that definitely made me laugh.
One volume that made you cry?
Cry the Beloved Country by Alan Paton. I read this when I was little more than a child and I remember crying so much.
One book you wish had been written?

An impossible book, the history of the world and mankind as it really happened, with all the missing pieces.
One book you wish had never been written?
The Bible. I wonder what would have evolved if that particular book had not come along at the right time and become so popular.
One book you are currently reading?
From Indian to Chicano by James Diego Vigil, I just started it.
One book you have been meaning to read?
I have been meaning to read a book by Chomsky, perhaps the one called Hegemony and something, I forgot. He seems to have made an impression and should also be explored. But I have not gotten to it yet, he seems so American and so dull.


Agnes said...

"I had to sit on a special chair to read it. It took my imagination." - Do we all need a special place to read the Grimm-tales? Mine was a very old armchair, and like your copy, the edition an old and beautiful one. Or maybe my imagination made me see like that.

Oh the Resurrection: I do love that novel. Nah, i better stop: books and talking about books make me childish.

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

Something so wonderful about absorbing an old book thru its pages. Simple pleasures can feel childish, I agree.

Yodood said...

"The Bible. I wonder what would have evolved if that particular book had not come along at the right time and become so popular."
The first 500 years of the post Christ era was devoted to stealing wisdom and myths from other cultures to synthesize a brochure capable of selling Christianity to the world of heathens that lay before the faithful as a task of conversion for the past 1506 years. I wonder what right time you are referring to?

Yodood said...

My guess on what might have evolved without the bible would be that, rather than exploiting and converting the population discovered by Columbus, he might have asked them where he was and to be taught to live in harmony with the land as they did. I even tried to write a book about such an alternate history/future but got depressed at how far back greed, imperialism and evangelism go in the development of western civilization.

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

The right time, when people first started turning to books for their beliefs and this one was being passed around. It took a long time in the making and a long time taking hold and its still changing.

I like your idea on what could have evolved, if things had been different. I always think the bible contributed to the loss of the feminine in mankind.

Yodood said...

The loss of the feminine in banning contraception and abortion surely leading to overpopulation, the loss of respect for nature in inventing a devil (d'evil) that resembled the nature god pan, the loss of personal responsibility for ones own actions through the action of original sin and a puppet master God (G'od), the imposition of authority, the church, between humans and sense of higher morality. And they are inventing new bans (gay marriage) every day.
A Puritain is some one losing sleep because some one some where is having more fun than they are.

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

Well said Gregrandgar.