Thursday, October 20

The fields below

It's this extra dimension to existence that exists nowhere, that I can pinpoint, that I balance my life out with for the sake of being aware. Cyber Space. One more frontier. Maybe some day it will become more real than real. "But do you really know him? No, I have only met him in person". My computer world is all scattered right now, due to a break down and the welcome miracle of a new computer. But not all has fallen back in its familiar colors and places and more changes are yet to come. So I wait to gather it back up again and put my own order to it.

I wonder why when its so easy and good not to hear the news, why soon I will return to it. One time, for about 15 years, I almost heard nothing of the outside world. Even missed some of Americas continuous wars. What does it have to do with my life here in Mexico where one rarely feels the waves of the worlds events. For some, the truth is quite an addicting thing, the only thing that can really satisfy, good, bad or indifferent. I think that is why, when I could be safe in my mind from the worlds evil that America heads up, I come here to spend some of my day searching and learning that truth. But, what can I do with it? I have this feeling though, like water, truth spreads wherever it touches. And that truths, linked together with others truths, become stronger.

I feel clean and good. Contributing to America is one of the eviler things a person can do. And if you live there, that is what you do. Any good a person says they are doing within is just an illusion, all contributing to the lie of America. If help was to have worked, it would have long ago. All signs say it is on its way out in a very ugly and disgraceful manner. I feel good because I purposefully do not live in that country, even if it is the one most suited to making money and sustaining a lifestyle that all to many feel is where success is at. The goodness of living poor and simple in Mexico has manifested so much that I feel rich without money. What more could I want, than what I have. Except for perhaps a proper behaving computer.

Remembering a Zapatista slogan, Like the dews in the mountain tops, truth will trickle down to water the fields below.


littlebitofsonshine said...

what does nascar have to do with the evil that grows around the world of greed and control of of the many by the few

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

Sonshine, just saw the nascar site, its videos of wrecks. Such an american thrill. But yes, how come this post here? Perhaps it is to show us the mentality of the many and why the few can master them so easily. Maybe I will attract Walmart next. Or rename this site McBlog