Sunday, October 23

I like Sundays

Mexico is predicted to have more economic growth next year than its richer than anyone nation next door. It is hard to figure out what poor is suppose to mean. I thought if you made more, you were richer. But, as every good American mistakenly knows, Mexico is poor, dirt poor. Why else would its people come across their borders seeking work. But, of course, this makes Mexico richer, the flow of easy American money. Americans would go next door to work too if they heard the wages were higher. Just like they send so much of the everyday work to other countries to do for them, it makes more money. Seems like everyone is doing the same, going to where it makes you the most. Or, at least everyone that was not satisfied with what they had and had to do something else.

I think sometimes Americans picture a deserted Mexico, with all its workers over on their side, taking their unwanted jobs. But, to the contrary, this is a nation full of hard working people, with only a small percent making that sad trip. But there is more migrants than ever before, this is true, now that America has tipped so many balances and made the time on end lifestyle here unkeepable. America is the bringer of so much destruction in so many ways. Its not just their bombs and bullets that threaten humanity but their mentality. A nation of evil doers for the sake of getting what they think they want most. The American dream, their right.

And sitting here in Mexico surrounded by the so labeled poor, life fits so well. Making do, content, happy and not worrying. Life is so very good. How can these Americans sleep at night knowing they participate in this mass evil of their killer nation and its out of control rulers? A sick nation in its death throes, trying to bring all down around it in the name of their disease, greed, at its extreme. It is a chilling thought that such a place exists, the never ending conquest to harness the masses for use by the few, combined with the modern technology and modern brainwashing to do so. Perfect timing, and they are going for it first and fastest, like they were invented for it.

But it is Sunday, so I will leave my thoughts of such an ugly place here and just go on with my day like none of it exist. My husband is expected home any moment, with fresh baked rolls and, avacados. I have the papaya and tangelos all ready. Now just to boil a stick of cinnamon in the water for the coffee and all should be just right. Its so quiet here Sundays, you can feel it. Peace is the word that comes to mind.


furtherleft said...
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Anonymous said...

I carry one thing from my past through the majority of life in the US. Nineteen years after shaking free it still remains as an ode to my childhood obligation to follow the fortunes or misfortunes of DA CHICAGO BEARS. They were on television today. They won. All is well this Sunday in central Mexico too.