Tuesday, January 17

To Much Truth?

Perhaps there is a thing as to much truth. It can be potent. We may have natural protections against something that can be so intrusive. Built up over the ages. Little glimpses only, here and there, letting it filter into place as close to comfortable as possible. So it does not disturb the makings of life.

Those who proclaim the real truths of it are usually shunned. It takes some popular character of the times to promote half truths and diluted realities for the public to take a cling to. Digestible and acceptable. Bush is bad. That is an easy one, all they have to do is point a finger. Americans are bad. No, that is not an acceptable one, even tho very true. A nation of abusers. But this can be swallowed, Americans are good, but they do bad things. But not, Americans are bad but they do good thing to look good when they are not.

The truth is, if you don't believe in it, don't participate in it and you won't be part of it. Otherwise you are.

The truth, Americans are bad. A simple truth. They have built and created a nightmare of a government that threatens the whole world and breaks all civilized and decent boundaries to achieve it. Then they smugly live in this raped land and call themselves great and greatest. Down to each person, being better just by his being American, unquestioned. This takes a sick and deluded populace to do this. They know their country is doing wrong, but are to proud of what they perceive to be their preservation of their good side to do anything more about it than comfortably protest and wait for voting.

Americans should hang their head in shame, realize that they are looked on by the world as oppressors and murderers, ruiners of nations and peoples and ecology for power and profit. Being American is being part of a great crime. You are all criminals that live there, pay your dues and live off the plenty.

Here in Mexico, life is not tied to what government does and is. Life is about yourself and how you conduct it. But in America, you are your government, and you are the extension of what it does. You Americans must live in the truth of your guilt, in the full light of it. Or you will never change your country because you are to busy hiding from your own part. It is your responsibility to stop your government from what it is doing to the world. And since it only worsens, it is obvious you don't care. And you will pay for that. The truth is, you deserve what is going to come to you for not stopping it way back when you could. The truth is, you Americans are lazy and greedy and willfully ignorant, addicted to easy living and low grade entertainment that doubles as brainwashing. And you complain and claim to know it all.

From the outside looking in, you look like deluded greedy gullible fools, selling your minds and souls by payments to a fantasy life. You pat your pocket then your belly and they feel full and the entertainment is endless, and feel that truth to be enough to say your world is right. But America is a lie, from beginning to its impending end, a lie that has torn a world apart by its deceptions.

The truth is, if we want to save our planet and retain our personal freedom, America must be brought down, at whatever cost. And to see the whole of this truth and to act on it is what we must do, not take it in half measures for our own use.

1 comment:

littlebitofsonshine said...

Im a kitty cat in a cage of mad hungry dogs .Wonder who will win.