Saturday, May 13

Bad Man


Put a Stake
Through Freud's Heart
Asia Times Article. I like this article on Freud. It holds many of the same opinions I have of him, so naturally I like it. I never can understand in a world were enlightenment is available how the majority of people sway towards someone as off balance as this man was, and still is. The mans mind was twisted and he made a lifestyle of it, a way to see the world. Sex and drugs sell though, so this could be a reason for his popularity. People tend to stray away from thoughts that one should guide oneself and that the power comes from within, not from who you follow. What if we were not followers but found our own paths and realized our own truths. There would be more room for harmony because real truths are simple and the natural conclusion to come too. So many false leaders and people hanging on their distorted words, trying to force them on what they do not fit till all is obscured. How can we live right if mankind allows themselves these views of men who could not even solve their own problems and became obsessed with them and passed that obsession on. I am glad to see such a fine article detailing the crimes against balance of this man and his followers. I hope many that should, read it
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1 comment:

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