Tuesday, May 16


My mind keeps wandering back over a post written on a blog I enjoy reading. Its about writing blogs and contact. There is such a difference in presenting oneself to people between here in cyberspace, or face to face in many ways. All we have is our thoughts, flowing down from our minds sorted into the order of our words methodically typed out on a screen to send off. But that process perhaps distills a clear stream for many. Whoever we write as, here in cyberspace must be one of ourselves, so then much is according to how divided we are. Some fool themselves thinking they are doing it to fool their public. Which is more real, that within, or that without when you are looking at yourself? Talking in person with people supports so much more complications to hit on reality and not get side tracked. Here we are communicating more to ourselves than anyone else, the audience becomes vague in the effort. It can be very personal with no one to face, no personality in front of us to bounce the words off of and watch and listen to responses and judge opinions. We can just sort of rattle loose inside ourselves. Provided we look inward, but some only see what others might see of them, the cover, and they work on that. But for many, the cover is all they are, so this is true too, the act.
And as to knowing people here, we can know them, if we are selective. But
like anywhere, if we collect them up and try to put people where we need and want them, it will be disaster. This space should be an extra one, to further oneself, not a means to fill a hole that has always gapped. Peoples essence comes through, you can feel them, and if you don’t let your needs get in the way, you can tell who they are. But like in life, friendship is rare and a gift when it does come, internet or not. If a person is honest with themselves it comes through anywhere. Writing on blogs makes another extension of ourselves and we can make that as meaningful or not, as we desire. Its all according to what you want to fill your life with.
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littlebitofsonshine said...

well i know where i live now sence i have usaly acted as me just not lived it like i wanted or can now. so many here love me for who i am and care for me i told them and keep trying to leave but every time im close i get to help someone lol but mexico sounds so wonder full i wish my mother could injoy beans.

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