Wednesday, May 31

Keeping it in mind

Sometimes I feel it slipping. My hatred of America, my horror of it and my disgust. Here in a country where life is good, freedom is real and principals still count it is easy to forget the corruption that is right up there just north of my border. The border is a festering scar, but better a separation from America and its creeping ways, then wide open to their total abuse. Open it for work, but don't jeopardize the Americanization of this country, what has rubbed off already is destructive enough. But this is not my life, I don't live this, this view of America and its underhanded murdering ways must be searched out. They try to hide their dirty truths behind words of brainwash and glory to their gods but if you watch a little, add it up, its real apparent. But why should I care, my life is good, I live good, and where I live is good. Is it because I was born in America and am angry at my own people, or perhaps because an evil of that scale overpowers the whole world and is a threat to all. Reasons can be so many.
I feel hating America is something all caring people should do. Hate evil, what else is that emotion for but to cause an abhorrence. To think that hate means killing, revenge, acts of destruction is wrong. One can hate calmly and cleanly and deeply and do nothing more than feel it and voice it. It is a force that is in humans to use and to be told we are not allowed to weakens us. So does turning the other cheek.. America should be hated, and that force, like love when it is used right, will build and overwhelm if let be. Hate without evilness. If we do less than this for a country that is murdering people daily for their own money driven agenda than we are part of that evil.
So as easy as it would be to just slip into the goodness in life I must retain a part of myself, to give my hate to America or I have failed to take a stand. I think about it now, that land that has warred, murdered, raped and destroyed for what it has, never changing, always evolving into something worse. My constant hope, may it do itself in with its excesses and let the world move on.
"So many gods, so many creeds,so many paths that wind and wind while just the art of being kind is all the sad world needs".
--Ella Wheeler Wilcox, American poet, 1896


littlebitofsonshine said...

such true words but u.s.a. is diffent than america america is this whole land place i was allways taught canado all the wat down past mexico.But what would i know im not very schooled

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

USA has no real name of it´s own, just the name of the continent it stole from. But say American, and it means only one thing. The land and people of oppression. The country that wants to build fences around itself. America, the dream, America, the failure. They have narrowed down America to their own use, as is their way. But America the continent is still here and getting stronger everyday.

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