Tuesday, May 23

My Nightmare


My sixteen years old worker brought a movie tape to me yesterday to watch. My husband gave him a video machine for Christmas and he and the neighbors trade off tapes all over the neighborhood. This particular one he said is very popular. The Day After Tomorrow, I think that is what it was called. The tidal wave over New York looked very real and I admit it was exciting seeing the statue of liberty drowning but the best part, and the reason to be watching it, is when all the evacuated Americans make a run for the Mexican Border. This few minutes was an attention getter here. Hoards of pushing shoving rude Americans demanding entrance into Mexico as their own country failed them. Ever since Americas nine eleven day I have had this fear, this mental picture of that very thing. Even dreams about it. They would be coming here by the thousands, for one reason or another. Seeing it on a Hollywood film was very visual. And then nature herself added to it by being a heavy cloud cover day here and so very unusually cold and then an unexpected storm in the night. Wind and rain from all directions, very violent and mixed right in with my dreams. The thought of America come this way in a panic is a very bad thought because I live only 75 miles from the border. Americans don't like to hear no for an answer and feel those who have less than them have less rights so I know how they would be acting. Sometimes Hollywood predicts future truths just by following where things will likely lead. I sure hope this time it never comes true. All those Americans, so many of them, living out what they helped to cause. I'm glad I don't watch movies hardly ever and sleep better because of it. Even though moving a lot further south might be better, you never know.


Garth said...

There are those in the entertainment business (as in the media) that are complicit in maintaining the climate of fear under which the western governments are slowly but surely turning back the clock on human rights in their quest for domination of world resources.
As a rule, I refuse to watch disaster movies as it is easy to become fearful for the future, not just of our own space, but also of our species and in so doing to become part of the game.

Rancho Perros Bravos said...

It comes from letting a TV in the house in the first place. It´s a tool of the government more than anything else. I don´t have mine hooked up to anything but a tape deck and rarely use that. After this last experience I´m considering going back to none again. Books are still what opens up the world for me.

Garth said...

Good books and good music are all the soul-food we need. I must admit I do enjoy some television and many movies though.

Anonymous said...

I don't know, every time I go to Mexico, my dollars are very welcome there.

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.